Wisc Democrat's Votes No Longer Count

Mazomaniac's Avatar
So the Republicans just backed down all the way.

They've decided that everything they did while the Dems were out - daily fines, contempt resolutions, not counting their votes, etc - were not such great ideas after all.

The change of heart comes after the senate president was gently reminded by opposing counsel that their actions could be considered a felony under Wisconsin law and if the bullshit didn't end immediately a formal complaint just might be filed with the DA's office.

The Republican bus got put into reverse real fast at that point . . . .

The republic is saved!!!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
FYI: Hitler was the leader of The National Socialist German Workers' Party. That means he was a leftist, just like Stalin and Mao. Lincoln was a Republican. Martin Luther King was Republican until he cut a Civil Rights deal with Kennedy. Jefferson Davis was a democrat. I am neither democrat nor Republican, but I always thought the Republicans were more interested in freedom for people, especially during times when they were conquered by conservatives like Ronaldus Maximus....... Originally Posted by Marshall
Interesting. I thought I was the only one here that believed that.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
The republic is saved!!! Originally Posted by pjorourke
But the Republican senators aren't.

One of them who ran on a values platform and won by just 163 votes is now deep inside the kettle.

Some protesters went to the guy's house a couple of days ago to personally show him the petition for his recall. He wasn't there, but his wife was. She told them that he wasn't home because a) they were getting divorced, b) that he was now living in Madison with his 25yo mistress, and c) the mistress was a staffer on one of his committees.

The first ethics complaint was filed against him just a couple of hours ago.

The wife supposedly signed the recall petition too.

I'm starting to like this "karma is a bitch" idea more and more as time goes by.

Yup, karma sure is a bitch when your soon to be ex-wife signs your recall petition (and pretty f'ing funny too).

I suspect your team will win that one. But I doubt there will be a significant change in control.
I B Hankering's Avatar
But the Republican senators aren't.

One of them who ran on a values platform and won by just 163 votes is now deep inside the kettle.

Some protesters went to the guy's house a couple of days ago to personally show him the petition for his recall. He wasn't there, but his wife was. She told them that he wasn't home because a) they were getting divorced, b) that he was now living in Madison with his 25yo mistress, and c) the mistress was a staffer on one of his committees.

The first ethics complaint was filed against him just a couple of hours ago.

The wife supposedly signed the recall petition too.

I'm starting to like this "karma is a bitch" idea more and more as time goes by.

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
It is an amusing situation. Used to be the Dems that couldn't keep their pants on. Anyone remember Gary Hart on the "Monkey Business"? Now days, the Reps are giving them a run for the money.
It is an amusing situation. Used to be the Dems that couldn't keep their pants on. Anyone remember Gary Hart on the "Monkey Business"? Now days, the Reps are giving them a run for the money. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It's not that democrats keep their pants on, it's just that nobody calls you out on the carpet for being a hypocrite when you have no values....
topsgt38801's Avatar
But the Republican senators aren't.

One of them who ran on a values platform and won by just 163 votes is now deep inside the kettle.

Some protesters went to the guy's house a couple of days ago to personally show him the petition for his recall. He wasn't there, but his wife was. She told them that he wasn't home because a) they were getting divorced, b) that he was now living in Madison with his 25yo mistress, and c) the mistress was a staffer on one of his committees.

The first ethics complaint was filed against him just a couple of hours ago.

The wife supposedly signed the recall petition too.

I'm starting to like this "karma is a bitch" idea more and more as time goes by.

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
From what I have seen over many years of watching politicians, I do not think any of them are aware of values or mind getting in anyones pants be it female or male. I do not think there are any of them that I would trust be they Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green Party or whatever. They are all after their own self gratification at the expense of the taxpayer.

Just my educated redneck perception that is of little value except to myself.

Mazomaniac's Avatar
Just my educated redneck perception that is of little value except to myself. Originally Posted by topsgt38801
IDK Top. I actually share most of that opinion. What I can't stand are people who think that only their favorite politicians aren't crooks.
I B Hankering's Avatar
FYI: Hitler was the leader of The National Socialist German Workers' Party. That means he was a leftist, just like Stalin and Mao. Originally Posted by Marshall
Interesting. I thought I was the only one here that believed that. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

The terms “left” and “right” originated during the French Revolution when France’s National Assembly divided itself in a happenstance manner. Those who were for revolution chose to sit on the “left” side of the assembly. Those who were for conserving the Ancien Régime: the old order and the monarchy—Louis XVI—chose to sit on the “right.” The “left” stood for change, while the “right” was against change. Thus, “right” stood for absolute, monarchical (autocratic) rule.

Note: Das Kapital (socialism and communism) was still more than half a century in the future. Aside: The origin of our current idioms “red state” and “blue state” is just as happenstance: a product of the chattering class during one election some ten years ago.

It’s historically established fact that during the French Revolution, Louis XVI—as king of France—was the symbol of the right. Though, the terms “right” and “left”, as we now understand them, did not exist during the Louis XIV’s reign, Louis XVI’s grandfather, it is arguable that Louis XVI and Louis XIV represented exactly the same position on the political spectrum: the right—absolute, monarchical (autocratic) rule.

Louis XIV ranks among the most iconic of absolute monarchs in world history, and he purportedly once stated: L'État, c'est moi (“The state, it is me”). Louis XIV was a stronger, more capable ruler than his grandson; thus, it easier to compare Louis XIV with Hitler. Those who argue that Hitler belongs on the political left, because he employed socialist measures, ignore the fact that nothing Hitler did differs substantially from how Louis XIV ruled France some 250 years earlier.

As Der Führer, Hitler was not unlike Louis XIV’s as king. Hitler was a totalitarian dictator (an autocrat). Both men felt that destiny (a Christian God or Teutonic gods) gave them their place in society and in history. Both men were autocratic rulers who took serious umbrage with others who dared to challenge their authority or deviate from their commands. Hitler went beyond conservative and can be called a “reactionary” when he sought to return to the glory days of the German people by re-establishing a new Germanic Empire: The Third Reich. Both Louis XIV and Hitler managed governments comprised of competing bureaus and/or departments so as to insure no strong rival would challenge their supreme positions. In both situations, industry was allowed to be competitive only so far as it met the goals of the state. Lastly, the will of the common people in both societies, the Ancien Régime and Nazi Germany, was subordinated to that of their respective rulers. The only real difference between Hitler and Louis XIV was the level of technology used to enforce the rule of the state: the autocrat. L'État, c'est moi said Louis XIV.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Thus, “right” stood for absolute, monarchical (autocratic) rule. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So nothing's really changed then . . . .
Maz, I don't know how to break this to you, but I think you are a closet Libertarian. We don't trust the bastards as far as we can throw the Capital building. Small government my boy. If they have less power, there is less graft. Its like a law of physics or something.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I wasn't talking about that part.
As Der Führer, Hitler was not unlike Louis XIV’s as king. Hitler was a totalitarian dictator (an autocrat). Both men felt that destiny (a Christian God or Teutonic gods) gave them their place in society and in history. Both men were autocratic rulers who took serious umbrage with others who dared to challenge their authority or deviate from their commands. Hitler went beyond conservative and can be called a “reactionary” when he sought to return to the glory days of the German people by re-establishing a new Germanic Empire: The Third Reich. Both Louis XIV and Hitler managed governments comprised of competing bureaus and/or departments so as to insure no strong rival would challenge their supreme positions. In both situations, industry was allowed to be competitive only so far as it met the goals of the state. Lastly, the will of the common people in both societies, the Ancien Régime and Nazi Germany, was subordinated to that of their respective rulers. The only real difference between Hitler and Louis XIV was the level of technology used to enforce the rule of the state: the autocrat. L'État, c'est moi said Louis XIV.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Who knew? Comrade Nancy is a right-winger.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Maz, I don't know how to break this to you, but I think you are a closet Libertarian. We don't trust the bastards as far as we can throw the Capital building. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I absolutely admit that I'm closer to libertarian than it may first appear.

The problem I have with Libertarians, though, is that 90% of them are just plain looney, 9% don't have a clue, and the remaining 1% spend all their time posting stupid shit on the internet.

The problem I have with Republicans is that 10% are just plain looney and the other 90% listen to them.

The problem I have with Democrats is that 100% of them lack the testicles needed to govern.

I'm actually registered as an independent so who knows where I'll land.
