Ronin3's Avatar
If HIV recipients would die faster, this pandemic would resolve itself. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Harsh, and certainly an uneducated view. Do you know how AIDS originated? I'm sure the countless millions of innocent recipients feel a bit differently.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Bottom line, the peril is higher to acquire what we desire. With greater risk comes greater reward, so the Hobby is conveniently attractive on many levels. We wouldn't be here to begin with unless we weren't content living completely staid, safe, ordinary, and in one way or another, unsatisfying lives. There's a need, whether it be sexual, companionable, monetary, or simply thrill-seeking, and stats be danged.

Hobbyists and hussies, be as careful as possible, don't take STUPID chances, get regular check-ups, stay informed as well as alert, communicate clearly, and be prepared for the consequences of actions.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Makes me want to quit the hobby, become a monk and join a monastery.
always remember guys....