Women's march in DC and other cities

Now now let's don't be so hasty to jump on Sisted Twister .....he does make a good point about Hitler ..... it's just sad that in this country if Hitler were alive and he ran for president as a Democrat in 2020, 68 million mindless liberals would vote for him .....
goodolboy's Avatar
Hitler was even more popular asswipe.

But carry on fool...arguing about this racist POS with someone called "good ole boy" on a hooker board isn't on my agenda tonight. Originally Posted by SisterTwister

LMAO! You mad bro? Perhaps you should put on a Vagina costume and protest march.
SisterTwister's Avatar
Lol...notice how quickly some of the angry left (yes, I know....they're ALL angry these days...sigh) pulls out the Hitler Card these days? How chic.... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
That's what happens when you ignorant yokels vote in a POS who has a Breitbart racist as his top henchman and is trying to take us back to 1958 dumb fuck.

Go figure.
pyramider's Avatar
If the TX women were so concerned about women's healthcare why did they not protest, and keep protesting, Abbott and Patrick?
Mavs fan's Avatar
FYI Sister Twister less than 10% of Germans were members of the Nazi Party. I saw a post on FB today that said that the only way to save America was an Armed rebellion and Civil War. The fucking guy has been President for 5 fucking days and I guess he has already done so much damage to the Republic that some feel we must shed the blood of millions. I hated President Obama but I never went to a protest dressed as a Vagina to protest against him. Get over it you bunch of weenies. You lost! Get ready for the mid term elections. Just like we did. He has already done some great things through Executive orders and the Dow is at an all time high. Get onboard the Trump train. BTW he wasn't my 1st choice either but Hillary was a total, corrupt, train wreck.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ nobody I know voted for Oboo and we were not out protesting changes , change is good ( keep in mind the NAZI party was socialist )
That's what happens when you ignorant yokels vote in a POS who has a Breitbart racist as his top henchman and is trying to take us back to 1958 dumb fuck.

Go figure. Originally Posted by SisterTwister

Notice the theme these days from the angry, petulant, spoiled-rotten, whiney Left? Lose an election and a tantrum of epic proportions goes full tilt:
Name-calling....physically assaulting fellow Americans...profanity-laced diatribe (god, if I had a nickel for each time I've heard "racist" used of late, I'd have Trump's wealth by now)...rioters/terrorists destroying private / public property; hiding behind masks/disguises and still have the audacity to call themselves protesters; yet nothing more than common law-breaking criminals.

Frauds...every last one of you.

Go figure....