Every time Trump stands next to another countries (sic) leader he looks stupid, they always speak better and answer any questions with intelligence! Trump talks in jibberish as if he doesn't really know the answer but just talks in circles until everyone is so confused they forgot the question. Plus he doesn't seem to have any intelligent grasp of the world and it's (sic) complexity. He really needs to step down before he embarrasses us more!
Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I have an idea! Let's replay Odumbo's most embarrassing moments!
Which of his many cloddish, fumbled, thoughtless speeches and remarks made you cringe the most?
Was it the time he bragged about visiting all 57 states?
Or maybe the time he praised those Navy "corpse-men" at the National Prayer breakfast?
Or maybe the time he went before the United Nations and proclaimed "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam"?
Or maybe the time he cravenly told Dimitri Medvedev to "tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election"?
Or maybe the time he stood up in a foreign capital (Manila) and moaned about how Republicans are "worried about widows and 3-year-old orphans" - wasn't that a classy moment when our POTUS made us all swell with pride?
So many specific examples to choose from!
When did Odumbo embarrass this country the most?
What do YOU think his most cringe-inducing moment was?