Whispers's Avatar
I'm not sure, but if Z has socials.. I bet he'd rather you not even bring it into this nonsense.. Originally Posted by nuglet
It does seem rather rude for Mata to be calling someone else out wanting to do so at a private party/gathering. Seems like a rather ungrateful thing to do and a pretty good reason to drop him from the invite list....

Why don't you both, Mata and Bottoms Up, show up at at P10 Friday at 2PM..... After you are done whooping up on each other you can get some dollar dances and a beer.

Now you both have a time and a place.... Commence with the excuses...
Whispers's Avatar
I'll meet him anywhere the party was a double bash. One he can't go because he's a loser and second even if he did it would be a sad day for him. He is the one no one knows. I am down just say where. But we all know holding is just talking shit. I would never bring it to z's but if he shows what a real man to do.Police I think you mean an ambulance. Lol what a silly fool. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
You say that "he" is Ricky..... Welll if that is the case it does not hold true that no one would know him.... I've seen him at a lot of socials and private parties over the years.... He's pretty well known...
Again you pipe in whispers,your missing the point, if it's Ricky you know well enough he won't show. And if it the Fortune cookie he won't either. I can give him 20 address and still no show. I don't have to chase anyone to teach them a lesson. And drop me.. lol. Ya right. If I truly thought any of you guys or this bottoms had any balls to really meet me it would never be at my friends. It's obvious I am 100% sure they are all blowing hot air. So ya of course there is no drama at z's unless them or you show. So do me a favor a STFU and mind your business because you know damn well who I am. Don't get in my cross hair whispers I am not one to talk much when it's in my face.
Whispers's Avatar
...... It's obvious I am 100% sure they are all blowing hot air. So ya of course there is no drama at z's unless them or you show. So do me a favor a STFU and mind your business because you know damn well who I am. Don't get in my cross hair whispers I am not one to talk much when it's in my face. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Yeah... I know who you are.... Does that mean I am supposed to be concerned? Now you are suggesting that if I have an invitation somewhere I should not show up because it will "put me in your cross hairs"?

I would suggest that, should we cross paths somewhere, that you behave and mind your own business because I've no concerns for the likes of someone like you that wants to flex muscles, threaten and try to intimidate.... I know what I am capable of and what I am not....

Can you give me a good beat down? Sure.... But you've already publicly threatened it, is it really worth being picked up, locked up and getting to be someone's bottom bitch because there are tougher guys than you some places?...

Come on Mata..... You huffed... and puffed... and threatened..... a few times before..... The Beamer Driving Non Paying Whore Fucker that lived up in Round Rock?.... You were given his address and information remember?... Exactly what did you actually do then?

Calm down and go get laid..... You do yourself and whores you see quite a disservice....
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
What if someone legit has MMPD and all of their personalities are posting via separate accounts?! Have you seen 'Split'?! Shit could happen. All I'm sayin'. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
MMPD? Ah thinck yew means DID, Diss-o-show-tiff I-den-titty Disord'r. Thet's whut ol' Sybille hadt.
bottoms up's Avatar
Again you pipe in whispers,your missing the point, if it's Ricky you know well enough he won't show. And if it the Fortune cookie he won't either. I can give him 20 address and still no show. I don't have to chase anyone to teach them a lesson. And drop me.. lol. Ya right. If I truly thought any of you guys or this bottoms had any balls to really meet me it would never be at my friends. It's obvious I am 100% sure they are all blowing hot air. So ya of course there is no drama at z's unless them or you show. So do me a favor a STFU and mind your business because you know damn well who I am. Don't get in my cross hair whispers I am not one to talk much when it's in my face. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
So now you're a pussy and threatening Whispers at ztonk's social.
Pretty sure your big fucking mouth just wrote a check your invite can't cash.
Doubt you'll be there!
What a true wuss POS.
Lol. Well if you must know I went to beamers house that is how knew he lived with his father and it was not his car. So just because I don't show up on the 9 o clock news that I won't fulfill what I say. All I am saying is I am down for whatever so don't confuse me with some keyboard bitch like so many of you. Can you hear yourself BOTTOMS, you sound like that little tattle tale from preschool that runs to snitch on someone.. lol dude handle your business fool. I do realize that being spinless runs within your group but come on, did Mata just hurt your feeling and made you realize how sad you are?. The funny thing about you is that ya you bark and cry and call people out, but your a ghost, a voice through a computer that can be anyone and anything... Even a girl. I call you on your BS because I know that's all you will ever be a troll. You will never see providers, never show up to socials never come and face me no matter what names you call, you don't do anything but instigate shit. I have been fighting most my life and I know people and real courage.. something you don't have... Something most of you trolls don't have. The thing is, if you truly wanted a piece of Mata Leon fool you would find a way I am all over the place. The truth is you don't, neither does whispers.. now I don't agree with him often and he normally stays away from me so having him pipe in and defend you is a bit odd. The thing is that most of you really like to insult and talk shit without repercussions because your in the safety of your home. You may call me a bully or pussy or whatever because maybe I remind you that there should be consiquenses. Because I promise to all that is holly there will be if tire meets the road. I do my fair share of insulting that is true, but ask around I back my shit up right or wrong. That's is why this is so funny... Because there are so many tough guys on the keyboards but all pissing in the wind. My words are true to you whispers, you insult and badger many people on here and if you think that the threat of police or jail is a good defense you better think again. The thing I have what most of you forget is honor and respect and you will show it in my presence as I do others. If not we will see. I will do WHATEVER for my respect and for my honor without fear of consequences. So just keep in mind that you just never k ow when paths cross and I remember everything. So go ahead and I insult me because you think I wont do anything, keep thinking that. I have heart and courage.
bottoms up's Avatar
Then why do you keep refusing to give your address?
The worst that can happen is I don't show, and you continue your evening sitting on the couch with your thumb up your ass.
You say that "he" is Ricky..... Welll if that is the case it does not hold true that no one would know him.... I've seen him at a lot of socials and private parties over the years.... He's pretty well known... Originally Posted by Whispers
RockerR is not the type to back down if you challenge him to a fight.
They all say that. Just scared little girls won't come see mata. Many have seen me no one has seen you punk. Who is the hiding bitch. Lol. As I figured.. Go back to being a troll, don't start fights with real men.. It will end bad. And I did put up I told you where I'll be. Believe me no one will stop the slaughter. He he. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
based on your reviews you write, I would not see you either...
Whispers's Avatar
Lol. Well if you must know I went to beamers house that is how knew he lived with his father and it was not his car. So just because I don't show up on the 9 o clock news that I won't fulfill what I say. All I am saying is I am down for whatever so don't confuse me with some keyboard bitch like so many of you. Can you hear yourself BOTTOMS, you sound like that little tattle tale from preschool that runs to snitch on someone.. lol dude handle your business fool. I do realize that being spinless runs within your group but come on, did Mata just hurt your feeling and made you realize how sad you are?. The funny thing about you is that ya you bark and cry and call people out, but your a ghost, a voice through a computer that can be anyone and anything... Even a girl. I call you on your BS because I know that's all you will ever be a troll. You will never see providers, never show up to socials never come and face me no matter what names you call, you don't do anything but instigate shit. I have been fighting most my life and I know people and real courage.. something you don't have... Something most of you trolls don't have. The thing is, if you truly wanted a piece of Mata Leon fool you would find a way I am all over the place. The truth is you don't, neither does whispers.. now I don't agree with him often and he normally stays away from me so having him pipe in and defend you is a bit odd. The thing is that most of you really like to insult and talk shit without repercussions because your in the safety of your home. You may call me a bully or pussy or whatever because maybe I remind you that there should be consiquenses. Because I promise to all that is holly there will be if tire meets the road. I do my fair share of insulting that is true, but ask around I back my shit up right or wrong. That's is why this is so funny... Because there are so many tough guys on the keyboards but all pissing in the wind. My words are true to you whispers, you insult and badger many people on here and if you think that the threat of police or jail is a good defense you better think again. The thing I have what most of you forget is honor and respect and you will show it in my presence as I do others. If not we will see. I will do WHATEVER for my respect and for my honor without fear of consequences. So just keep in mind that you just never k ow when paths cross and I remember everything. So go ahead and I insult me because you think I wont do anything, keep thinking that. I have heart and courage. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
I'm a pretty public person as well Mata.... Maybe you only know how to fight... how to threaten... how to intimidate as a result of a tough childhood..... I don't know....

I don't fight... not physically.... I'm old and not in any kind of shape to do so and health-wise it's simply not worth the risks.... I also do not disrespect hosts or hostesses at events I attend by seeking out or entertaining conflict.....

You mistake my comments as defense for Bottoms Up.... My comments have to do with the way you are trying to bully and physically intimidate people as well as being the spokesperson for whore after whore that you see.....

Are you a pimp? You've been asked that many times because you are portraying yourself as one day in and day out...

Have you considered that some of the whores MIGHT see how you talk here and actually react to it by becoming afraid of you? Really man.,.... Guys that post here are a small small fraction of the number of guys that see girls here...... How many potential tricks will read your shit and avoid a chick you see or talk about simply because they don't want the potential of having to interact with you in some way?
All the talking is done. I have said what I said. Just remember I never have to get ready I stay ready.
bottoms up's Avatar
English please?
Talking is done bro
bottoms up's Avatar
We all knew that from the beginning.
It is obvious what you are about.

Guess you have to be quoted to leave record of the idiotic post you make, but change because you can't stand behind what you post.