Saying "Hi" in public??

Hobbyfun's Avatar
I have seen providers in public before and she did a small wave to me and I did not acknowledge her one bit, as it was my So was two isles over and seen her but I was lucky because they was a couple one isle behind me and the So seen her wave and ask me who that women was, I just said what lady and then said she must have been waving at the couple behind me because I don't know who that strange lady was.

So the best thing to do is NOTHING at all no wave, wink, are smile and absolutely NO talking.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
It's a shame that one of our ladies was accosted in public by someone with so little common sense. Unfortunately, common sense can not be taught and ya can't fix stupid. I imagine the offender will offend again if the opportunity presents itself. However, most of us have empathy and understand just how uncomfortable a situation like this could be, and I do believe that most who participate in the hobby know how to, and actually do behave in a more appropriate manner concerning situations such as the one Elysa has shared with us.

It's unfortunate that threads of this nature are necessary and thanks to the OP for sharing the topic and her experience. Hopefully, it will save another hobby participant, either male or female, a little anguish in the future.
Any Hobbyist that demonstrates such a total a lack of discretion shouldn't be allowed to hobby. I hope he's now on your black list. It also demonstrates that the wee little head is the one doing the thinking which is never a good idea.
Just for the record it wouldn't be a problem with me. In fact, if I'm with a girl come over and make her jealous for me. Originally Posted by ThinWhiteDuke

You are such a freaky bad boy!
This happened to me years ago when I used to go by another name on another imaginary board...


I was eating at an IHOP with my FIANCE (at the time) and this goofball hair lip comes over to the table and repeatedly asks me if my name is ____ and if I was the girl doing the massages out of the upstairs apartment over on ____ street. About this time I was as white as a sheet and proceeded to empty 2 rounds of get the "F" outta my face LOOKS directly into his eyes! After a few second (too late) he attempted to recall everything he had just said, but by this time my ex fiance was no fool & so the clusterfuck began ....

LOL - you live and you learn. I learned not to continue to see this SHORT BUS mutha f#cker ever again! What a moron.

Needless to say, my ex and I broke up years later due to an UN-related incidence.

pyramider's Avatar
Broke up years later? Guess he knew a good thing.
Longest 8-year roller coaster ride of my LIFE- lmao!
Sleepy363's Avatar
He did say PENDING THE SITUATION. Nothing wrong with a subtle acknowledgement of each other, IF THE SITUATION ALLOWS, meaning there are no others around that could catch on or figure something out.

Pretending you don't know me, AT ALL, when it's just us two passing each other, that would come off as tacky to me. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Unless you two are friends and know ahead of time that it won't be an issue, then no, you shouldn't even acknowledge one another. How do you know her s/o isn't just around the corner or walking back towards her?

The fact is, in most every case, you don't know why she's there, who she's there with, or what the situation is, so don't assume that you do.. just ignore her and you two can laugh about it later when you see her BCD again the next time.

Tacky? that's just silly. This is a hobby built on DISCRETION. If that's an issue for you, you're in the wrong hobby. If you get offended because a provider doesn't acknowledge you, then you need to stop hobbying. The only thing that's tacky is that you think discretion ISN'T necessary.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I have seen providers in public before and she did a small wave to me and I did not acknowledge her one bit, as it was my So was two isles over and seen her but I was lucky because they was a couple one isle behind me and the So seen her wave and ask me who that women was, I just said what lady and then said she must have been waving at the couple behind me because I don't know who that strange lady was.

So the best thing to do is NOTHING at all no wave, wink, are smile and absolutely NO talking. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
See, this example above is the exact scenario I mentioned in my last post... you just don't know who else could be there somewhere and see your acknowledgement of one another, then someone has a BIG problem. Don't assume that because he or she looks to be by themselves that they ARE. They may well not be.
Wow sorry that happend to yall. How rude what the heck was that guy thinking!!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, shit, guy. To each his own. If speaking to a provider...or better yet a SLIGHT acknowledgement, such as a sly smile or even a BROW RAISE, is that much of an inconvenient to you then maybe you should reconsider your priorities and weigh risk/reward and all that happy horseshit.

If you're a provider wave/smile/other acknowledgement away from castastrophe then I don't know what the hell to tell you.

You talk about discretion, but use the internet to do THIS hobbying thing. LMAO. If someone wanted to bad enough, they could MAIL you a printout of your posts on this site to your ass, with your full name, SSN, the high school you went to, and what you bought the last time you went to Walmart. How would you feel then, guy? Would you feel discrete? It's a thin line we walk playing this game. If you're that paranoid about anyone knowing what you do BCD, then WHY ARE YOU HOBBYING?

Btw, discretion means doing something without making a big scene or being blatantly obvious.
Unfortunately, common sense is just not very common!
Sleepy363's Avatar
Well, shit, guy. To each his own. If speaking to a provider...or better yet a SLIGHT acknowledgement, such as a sly smile or even a BROW RAISE, is that much of an inconvenient to you then maybe you should reconsider your priorities and weigh risk/reward and all that happy horseshit.

If you're a provider wave/smile/other acknowledgement away from castastrophe then I don't know what the hell to tell you.

You talk about discretion, but use the internet to do THIS hobbying thing. LMAO. If someone wanted to bad enough, they could MAIL you a printout of your posts on this site to your ass, with your full name, SSN, the high school you went to, and what you bought the last time you went to Walmart. How would you feel then, guy? Would you feel discrete? It's a thin line we walk playing this game. If you're that paranoid about anyone knowing what you do BCD, then WHY ARE YOU HOBBYING?

Btw, discretion means doing something without making a big scene or being blatantly obvious. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

I'm not paranoid about anyone knowing what I do BCD, and I don't care if someone mails me a copy of every post I make, but neither of those have a damn thing to do with the situation that this thread is about. Way to go WAY out in left field to try to grasp at a straw to make your ridiculous point.

From MY side, I don't care if a provider would say hi or wave because I know the situation that I am personally in, but I'm not inconsiderate or arrogant enough to think that I definitely know what situation the lady that you see in public is in. It's not all about you.

Providers have personal lives, and perhaps their S/O is nearby and you don't know it. Perhaps her mother or father or sister or brother is nearby. You would have NO idea if that's definitely the case, just because you may SEE her alone at that moment. You could easily get HER in trouble, but from your rants and postings, you don't seem to care about that. You just think that there will be these easily defined situations where somehow in that split second that you see one another that you 100% know if it's safe to say hi, wave, wink, etc... when in fact you have no clue.

btw, here is another definition of discretion : the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid social embarrassment or distress. The quality of behaving in a way to avoid social embarrassment... seems to be something you are failing to grasp, because you are only thinking of yourself.
You've aroused by curiosity, ItalianaPrincess. What UN-related incident caused the breakup? Libya? Oil for dollars with Iraq?

I also loved the comment by one lady, "some men are dipshits". Yeppers.
Haha. Elysa, I didn't realize you had posted our exploit here until you mentioned it to me today, so I apologize for my delayed response. The gentleman who approached us while we were getting into the car was creepy to the nth degree. Not only was how he approached us highly inappropriate, it was inconsiderate to the other people in the area and not just because he had us all blocked in with his truck. It was inconsiderate from the standpoint that there were people there who didn't know about the hobby and mention of it might have at best, made them uncomfortable and at worst, raised some interesting questions from their small children. In this business it's always best when we fly under the radar and go unnoticed by the uninitiated. It's safer and it doesn't make for restless natives.

This was a highly uncommon experience and not at all typical of a normal gentleman in this hobby. I recall one time when I was going into a school and was attempting to juggle my purse, cell phone, sunglasses, keys and Bluetooth. I was a bit distracted and walked straight into the chest of someone walking my direction. It was completely my fault and I began to apologize before I even glanced at his face, it was at least a few seconds before I realized that the man I had quite literally just run into, was a regular client of mine who was out with his wife... Neither of us reacted. I told the gentleman I was very sorry that I hadn't been looking where I was going and then departed.

This gentleman and I laugh about this all the time and realize that it's something that will on occasion happen. As long as both parties remain calm and respect the privacy of the other person, all is well.

A different time I was at an art store having a print framed and ran into a gentleman that recognized me. He was extremely discreet and in fact, I never had the slightest clue that knew me from the boards. It was only later that night when I received an e-mail from him saying "I am so sorry for staring at you today, I hope that I didn't make you uncomfortable. I recognized you from your photos but I didn't realize you were so beautiful. Would it be possible to book an appointment with you?"

The way this gentleman handled it was so sweet and well mannered that there was absolutely no way I could have turned him down. In fact, he was well rewarded for his social grace and charm. This latter experience is by far closer to the norm than the man who approached us in the parking lot.