I told one RW buddy right after I started. Only reason why was I suspected he had hobbied at some point based on some joking comments he made over the years. Turns out he hadn't, but had thought about it, but never went through since he had a cousin that was busted.
He was completely stunned I was doing this, but finds it funny.
My answers to the guy questions -
• How much work does it take to hide your hobby activities? not as hard as I would have thought at first, but I do have a convenient cover story. Problem is, it will go away at some point. Not sure what I will do then, but I still have some time.
• Ever feel guilt ?A little bit, but no where near what I would have thought before. Still think I could wake up one day and fall apart and blab to the wife. This is weird; she is my best friend and I tell her everything. Never really hid anything from her before, so this is new territory
• Ever wish you could hobby more?Yes...
• Stressed because of the constant suspicion ?yes, but I think that is part of the thrill