WaPo Says Trump Would Have Still Beaten Hillary!

LexusLover's Avatar
You corrected me a reminded me they think you are LE! Originally Posted by WTF
... where are the posts of "they" ... "EVERYONE"?

Just give a list of the handles, if you're too fucking lazy!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-24-2017, 02:51 PM
... where are the posts of "they" ... "EVERYONE"?

Just give a list of the handles, if you're too fucking lazy! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, you were the one who pointed out nobody had accused you of being a snitch...they had accused you of being a Cop!

I'm not going to do a search for something you seek the answer to.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yes as a matter of fact.
Who was trying to unseat him and in what way?
I suppose for MONTHS you told people to just accept the election results and quit trying to unseat the President Elect. Right? Originally Posted by LexusLover
There you go again .... pretending to read people's minds! Originally Posted by LexusLover
There you go again.
Pretending to be smart. Don't you "no" (see following barb)
what "seems" means?

to appear to one's own senses, mind, observation, judgment, etc.:
It seems to me that someone is calling.
Which is why you "know" that ...

.... those with a whole brain no better!

You posted the picture (chest beating) and I gave the link to reveal your comment to support the REASON you posted the pic.

No one needs to be a "snitcher" around you ....

... your loudmouth discloses it all!

Do you suck on yourself also?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Looks like you don't "no" enough to make sure you don't talk shit when you've included blunders in your own posts. You being a douche-bag discloses what you do and don't 'no".
Look! Cockmuncher and WDF are enjoying another shit sandwich together.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-24-2017, 06:24 PM
No means know....LL is taking Clintons advice on knowing the meaning of the written word.

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  • WTF
  • 04-24-2017, 06:27 PM
Look! Cockmuncher and WDF are enjoying another shit sandwich together. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Enjoying LL is not how I would describe our verbal jousting of LexusLiar....more like disgust
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes as a matter of fact.
Who was trying to unseat him and in what way?

There you go again.
Pretending to be smart. Don't you "no" (see following barb)
what "seems" means?

to appear to one's own senses, mind, observation, judgment, etc.:
It seems to me that someone is calling.

Looks like you don't "no" enough to make sure you don't talk shit when you've included blunders in your own posts. You being a douche-bag discloses what you do and don't 'no". Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

muchy the drunk posts again! where's that support from the mod squad? been waiting long?

Enjoying LL is not how I would describe our verbal jousting of LexusLiar....more like disgust Originally Posted by WTF

wtf did you say?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Enjoying LL is not how I would describe our verbal jousting of LexusLiar....more like disgust Originally Posted by WTF
Pointing out douche-bags along with their abundance of things that they meant instead of what they said is eating a shit sandwich?
Add stupid to disgust and you'll be closer

The gang is finally in an environment where bullshit is the norm and out and out liars are commended for keeping it (un)real. These members only hold trump to their own moral and intellectual standards so they see nothing wrong with the state of our union. Except it's still fucked up from Obama and from what Clinton almost did.

And sorry if my opinions of standards make you feel put down.

Just kidding. I change my opinions when new information warrants them to be changed.
And after winning the election of all 3 parts of government, the the true little bastards that have crawled out of the flaming little assholes you were before the election, is.... is.............is nothing near the surprise it should have been.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Pointing out douche-bags along with their abundance of things that they meant instead of what they said is eating a shit sandwich?
Add stupid to disgust and you'll be closer

The gang is finally in an environment where bullshit is the norm and out and out liars are commended for keeping it (un)real. These members only hold trump to their own moral and intellectual standards so they see nothing wrong with the state of our union. Except it's still fucked up from Obama and from what Clinton almost did.

And sorry if my opinions of standards make you feel put down.

Just kidding. I change my opinions when new information warrants them to be changed.
And after winning the election of all 3 parts of government, the the true little bastards that have crawled out of the flaming little assholes you were before the election, is.... is.............is nothing near the surprise it should have been.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

another drunken post by muchy the drunk! u gonna rtm me muchy the drunk???

are u as fat as Luke the Italian fatass? the only word in Italian Luke knows is ... pizza!!!

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Damn you came close on that one.

You recognized a total lack of support by our mods on a valid question they never had the courtesy or the balls to rule on.

Then you lost it.

Do you really think that their lack of support for me is intended as support for you?
Their inaction is just that. Inaction.
I would think you of all people would recognize it when mods took action.

Don't believe me?
Ask them. It would be dinner for you at your restaurant.

muchy the drunk posts again! where's that support from the mod squad? been waiting long?

wtf did you say? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Munchmasterman's Avatar
RTM? Talk to tanto the lexus liar about that. That's his deal.

Why would I RTM an illiterate little fuck who can't spell or articulate the lightest thought? Besides, I owe ball bugs a favor. I promised I wouldn't ever RTM anyone whose absence would show how near the bottom he is.

No little pissant. You don't need mine or the help of anyone to fuck yourself over. At least you're good at something.

another drunken post by muchy the drunk! u gonna rtm me muchy the drunk???

are u as fat as Luke the Italian fatass? the only word in Italian Luke knows is ... pizza!!!

bahhahaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I can smell the alcohol (and shit sandwich) on your post.
It is NOT pleasant.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Damn you came close on that one.

You recognized a total lack of support by our mods on a valid question they never had the courtesy or the balls to rule on.

Then you lost it.

Do you really think that their lack of support for me is intended as support for you?
Their inaction is just that. Inaction.
I would think you of all people would recognize it when mods took action.

Don't believe me?
Ask them. It would be dinner for you at your restaurant.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

well allow me to retort!!!


any questions munchy???
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're getting the smell of alcohol and shit from your computer and I'm drinking?
All you're smelling is your own upper lip.

Since you think smells come from the computer, you're on your own.
I'm going to leave you to your own self made fate, mister ball bugs.

I can smell the alcohol (and shit sandwich) on your post.
It is NOT pleasant. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're getting the smell of alcohol and shit from your computer and I'm drinking?
All you're smelling is your own upper lip.

Since you think smells come from the computer, you're on your own.
I'm going to leave you to your own self made fate, mister ball bugs.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

smelly drunken bum.

is this munchy passed out .. again????

good god son!! stop the abuse!!!!