Another Flip Flop by Trump- he decides not to pull out of NAFTA

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-29-2017, 06:37 AM
Who knew NAFTA was so complicated? sense in arguing with LL, Trump is like God to him. Everything good that happens you credit Trump, everything bad, he credits the Clintons! Trump id LL's God. Hopefully Trump will take LL medicare away!

See how he thinks of him after that!
WTF -- you're right on. I wonder why I waste my time trying to reason with someone like that, or so many others on this board. The Trump dumbos dismiss all complaints about Trump to some sort of anger that Mrs. Clinton lost and Donald Trump won. It's a one or the other kinda deal for them. Objectivity has left their half-lit rooms. President Trump's baseless rhetoric during the campaign was, it appears, shallow pandering. The dumbos are unable to understand the misdirection that has happened. For example, Trump always accusing others of what he is, in fact, doing. Remember when he ridiculed President Obama for spending too much time away from the White House, and a legion of dumbos picked up on that criticism? They ridiculed Obama for playing too much golf, and spending too much time away from the White House, wasting taxpayer money. Trump repeated this over and over. Here's a direct quote: "I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf," Trump said at a Virginia campaign rally, in August 2016.

That sort of dopey double-talk doesn't faze the dumbos. I wonder what they would have said had Mrs. Clinton been elected and immediately announced that her daughter would become a chief advisor, and that her husband was staying in their private home that would require lots of extra government spending to protect him there?
LexusLover's Avatar
I wond[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]er what they would have said had Mrs. Clinton been elected and immediately announced that her daughter would become a chief advisor, and that her husband was staying in their private home that would require lots of extra government spending to protect him there? Originally Posted by Muy Largo
I would have said her daughter takes care of her when she has strokes, so having her close is good, and can't function and Bill has already stained the Oral Office too much with his DNA, so having him live somewhere else is better for the carpet.

No wonder you don't understand. Let me explain it ... AGAIN

.. HillaryNoMore and her Predator Husband LOST ...


Entiendes, persona pequeña?
lustylad's Avatar
Yes, there have been some notable flip-flops for our President. To name some major ones -- NAFTA, NATO, China as a currency manipulator. It's a good thing that Trump can change his mind, but what is more worrisome is that he seemed to express his previously held positions with such utter confidence. Now he has admitted that he really didn't know that much about NAFTA during the campaign. Yet he repeated his confidently stated attacks on NAFTA over and over as he'd stir up his political rallies. He did the same thing with China, and with NATO, with his Mexicans-will-pay-for-the-wall idea. What does this type of behavior reveal about this man? Originally Posted by Muy Largo
That he is a shrewd politician. actuality he was naïve about the nuts and bolts of the matter. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
He's not a policy wonk. He doesn't get lost in the weeds. But that doesn't make him naive.

Or, we can consider that Trump treats language with a disregard for... factualness. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Bingo! Now you're starting to get it. Trump is a (political) performance artist. Like Lady Gaga. Here is a spot-on column written by the WSJ's Dan Henninger last December that I already posted twice in this forum. You need to read it again:

“Donald Trump treats the truth as only one of several props he’s willing to use to achieve an effect. Truth sits on his workbench alongside hyperbole, sentimentality, bluster and just kidding. Use as needed.”

I find it amusing that Trump's flip-flops bother his opponents (like you and Puke WhinyAss) much more than they concern his supporters.

Whether we jettison NAFTA entirely or renegotiate its terms within the existing framework is irrelevant - either way, his supporters can see we're moving in the right direction.
lustylad's Avatar
Well the flip flopper in chief had a change of heart and said he will not pull out (of) NAFTA... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Don't sweat it, Puke... Speaking of pulling out, you're lucky R.M. kept her promise at your last pounding session and pulled that giant strap-on out of your fat well-plunged ass!