Excellent thread!
To the guyz:
Are you here for the SEX or for the INTIMACY ???
If the former, and certainly budget considerations are involved, then shorter sessions might be what drives you.
If the latter, budget considerations aside for the most part, then longer sessions probably fit your emotional needs.
With an exception or two -- I prefer the longer engagements usually my customary one hour or more session.
Exceptions are usually due to
1) a one and done! (meaning I totally failed to properly research or the "chemistry" was way off
2) environment or other complications -- baby in the next room, external or next door issues or other "uncomfortable" issues
I empathize with the ladies who feel they must for whatever reason (financial, time constraints, emotional detachment or attachment issues) offer shorter sessions.
For a fact, I know many ladies who prefer the longer, hour minimum, sessions because they have told me they feel more comfortable getting to know and "love" the extended intimacy of the longer session. And many of these ladies ppear to me to be offering a quality level of service worthy of a client spending an hour of his time and money in order to get his "satisfaction."
I have noticed in cruising the review forums that of the many gents who voice dissatisfaction with hobbying, they sometimes tend to be involved for only short session time frames. Meaning to me, that they think they are here for the SEX and not for the INTIMACY. Ladies who cater to these types of gents may also feel the same, imo, and many of these ladies appear also to be very detached from the hobbying communities as well.
Certainly some psychological authorities would possible have a better handle on much of the above, more so than me, imo. But I don't go searching for those authorities, so just able to base my views on my own observations.
So, to the ladiez:
In addition to the obvious, $$$ ...
Are you here for the SEX or for the INTIMACY ???