quick visits/bngs/halfhours

ck1942's Avatar
Excellent thread!

To the guyz:

Are you here for the SEX or for the INTIMACY ???

If the former, and certainly budget considerations are involved, then shorter sessions might be what drives you.

If the latter, budget considerations aside for the most part, then longer sessions probably fit your emotional needs.

With an exception or two -- I prefer the longer engagements usually my customary one hour or more session.

Exceptions are usually due to

1) a one and done! (meaning I totally failed to properly research or the "chemistry" was way off
2) environment or other complications -- baby in the next room, external or next door issues or other "uncomfortable" issues

I empathize with the ladies who feel they must for whatever reason (financial, time constraints, emotional detachment or attachment issues) offer shorter sessions.

For a fact, I know many ladies who prefer the longer, hour minimum, sessions because they have told me they feel more comfortable getting to know and "love" the extended intimacy of the longer session. And many of these ladies ppear to me to be offering a quality level of service worthy of a client spending an hour of his time and money in order to get his "satisfaction."

I have noticed in cruising the review forums that of the many gents who voice dissatisfaction with hobbying, they sometimes tend to be involved for only short session time frames. Meaning to me, that they think they are here for the SEX and not for the INTIMACY. Ladies who cater to these types of gents may also feel the same, imo, and many of these ladies appear also to be very detached from the hobbying communities as well.

Certainly some psychological authorities would possible have a better handle on much of the above, more so than me, imo. But I don't go searching for those authorities, so just able to base my views on my own observations.

So, to the ladiez:

In addition to the obvious, $$$ ...

Are you here for the SEX or for the INTIMACY ???
StaceyMay's Avatar
I don't typically offer QV OR BNG. To me they are the same thing- except of course A QV is inclusive and the BNG is just oral. If a guy wishes to see me knowing he can "get off" that fast- no problem, I will see him.

But a hhr is typically more up my alley bc I want to make sure the squirrel get his nut. I feel if a guy is scheduling a hhr he knows he can do what he needs to do in that time frame, and all ends well.

Typically I don't offer hhr either but if it's requested I don't turn them down. A hhr may do nothing for me- but I am here to please him :-)
James1588's Avatar

Exceptions are usually due to

1) a one and done! (meaning I totally failed to properly research or the "chemistry" was way off
... Originally Posted by ck1942
Good point, and that's a risk factor in booking the longer time with someone new. I'm lucky enough to have had only one "bad" appointment in my demimonde career, and that was a chemistry issue. It wasn't even a "one and done;" it was a "none and done." I think it was embarrassing for both of us. I know it was for me. I stayed until pretty close to the end of the booked time, just to be polite. But for most of the last hour, I was the one who was a clock-watcher. Or maybe we both were. Looking back on it, I should probably have just made some lame excuse and left early -- it would have been a relief for everybody.

I think that's just going to happen, every now and then.
DallasRain's Avatar
I do alot of halfhours at my homebase...its that kinda town...and I would damn sure rather make 100 bucks than none..lol
ICU 812's Avatar
Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, I drove into the Houston medical Center every day. While the Med Center itself was an up-scale area, each access route was a bit of a Race Track; Old Spanish Trail, South Main and Alt 90A all were thick with Providers who would jump in the car at nearly any time of the day or night.

I often got an afternoon BJ in the car or a half-and-Half at some hot-sheet "motel" on my way home. The Girls were out trying to wave down Hobbyista in the early morning too. I just couldn't get into that before coffee.

I gave up on these B&G or quickie sessions though. Inexpensive to be sure ($20-$40 back then), but not what I was looking for.

Today I prefer Agency or IOndy Providers 6for 0 to 90 min, even two hours if I can afford the 400 and up donation. My last few sessions have been at less than satisfactory AMPs for far less though.

Maybe next weekend I'll book a session with ALLAnglez; a full hour @ $200.
JCM800's Avatar
Guys....what is the draw of
a 10 or 15 minute blowjob..........{My SO says it would not be worth his effort to take a shower & prepare to drive over for that short of a time}

{not saying these sessions are a bad thing...each gal has a right to do whatever kind of session she wants to do.......just a curious observation}
Originally Posted by DallasRain
Hey, it's always worth the shower and drive for a 10 or 15 minute blowjob from a hot chick ...hell 15, 30, 60 or whatever minutes all sounds like fun to me.
I don't typically offer QV OR BNG. To me they are the same thing- except of course A QV is inclusive and the BNG is just oral. If a guy wishes to see me knowing he can "get off" that fast- no problem, I will see him.

But a hhr is typically more up my alley bc I want to make sure the squirrel get his nut. I feel if a guy is scheduling a hhr he knows he can do what he needs to do in that time frame, and all ends well.

Typically I don't offer hhr either but if it's requested I don't turn them down. A hhr may do nothing for me- but I am here to please him :-) Originally Posted by StaceyMay
Paying customers requests. Hookers going to accommodate paying customers.Yes hookers want longer appointments make more money.Paid sessions without stress, Hookers not doing appointments for free.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Just stumbled across this; I realize it's gone dark for almost a week, but the subject is one I feel strongly about (I've never personally felt the attraction for a QV or BnG, but I intellectually understand why some guys go for it).

So, after I wrote this, I realized how irrelevant it is to the op... but it seems others have expanded on the topic a bit, so here goes... Personally, I can't see the point in meeting for less than 2hrs. I like to get to know the person I am with, and that cannot be done well in 15 or 30min... really not even an hour. Originally Posted by VegasJen
Jen, you are a lady after my own heart. I try never to book less than 2 hours, though sometimes schedule and budget issues have conspired against me and forced me into booking 90 minutes or an hour (if I can't have an hour, I'll just not bother).

Good point, and that's a risk factor in booking the longer time with someone new. I'm lucky enough to have had only one "bad" appointment in my demimonde career, and that was a chemistry issue. It wasn't even a "one and done;" it was a "none and done." I think it was embarrassing for both of us. I know it was for me. I stayed until pretty close to the end of the booked time, just to be polite. But for most of the last hour, I was the one who was a clock-watcher. Or maybe we both were. Looking back on it, I should probably have just made some lame excuse and left early -- it would have been a relief for everybody. Originally Posted by James1588
The one time I had that bad of an appointment, I just apologized, told the lady that it just wasn't working for me, let her keep the complete gift for the time I booked, and just left early. My feeling is that if a session isn't working for me, it's probably not working for her, and there's no reason for me to make both of us miserable. (And if there's any ladies out there who have been miserable during a session with me, and I haven't caught on to it, I apologize, I compliment your acting ability, and I thank you for at least pleasing me while bearing the unpleasantness of my company.)

Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, I drove into the Houston medical Center every day. While the Med Center itself was an up-scale area, each access route was a bit of a Race Track; Old Spanish Trail, South Main and Alt 90A all were thick with Providers who would jump in the car at nearly any time of the day or night.

I often got an afternoon BJ in the car or a half-and-Half at some hot-sheet "motel" on my way home. Originally Posted by ICU 812
In a prior lifetime I used to be a public defender, and a substantial percentage of my caseload was basically defending streetwalkers. What my clients told me during that period was that they made a lot of their money (close to half or more) by giving blowjobs to businessmen on their way home from work, who wanted them because their wives wouldn't blow them anymore. I once brought this up with a couple of social workers who worked for an agency which tried to get ladies out of streetwalking (first offenders were often given probation supervised by this agency), and I joked with them that probably the easiest way to end street prostitution in that city (or to at least cut it way down) would be a massive effort to get married women to suck their husbands' cocks regularly.

But yeah... I've always thought (maybe incorrectly) that streetwalkers existed for the quickies and BnGs (the fast food of the sex trade), and that escorts were for longer playtimes (the fine dining of the sex trade). But obviously not all guys agree with me.


James1588's Avatar
... The one time I had that bad of an appointment, I just apologized, told the lady that it just wasn't working for me, let her keep the complete gift for the time I booked, and just left early. ... Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Yeah, really, that's what I should have done -- should have just been direct and honest about it. Wasn't like I was fooling her anyway. The limp pecker doesn't lie. And I wouldn't have had any thought of asking for any of her compensation back. I'd paid up front, as always, and it was hers. No fun for either man or woman, though, when nature makes it clear that there's nothin' doin', and no reason to prolong the embarrassment.