What is the objective to lying in Hobby World....?

First of all, what makes you think this man owes you the truth? I don't believe he owes you a single ounce of honesty just because you THINK he's your friend and you USED to suck his dick!.

I also believe that if a client feels a provider is over stepping her boundaries by asking too many personal questions or TEXTING too much then he has every right to lie to protect his privacy.

Oh....and if this "happened to me"....I'd ask myself what I did to cause this mess.
Originally Posted by Macy Manning

and this is why I have a hobby crush on MM....you make my Italian sausage hard just reading your posts....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-18-2017, 09:19 AM
First of all, what makes you think this man owes you the truth? I don't believe he owes you a single ounce of honesty just because you THINK he's your friend and you USED to suck his dick!.

I also believe that if a client feels a provider is over stepping her boundaries by asking too many personal questions or TEXTING too much then he has every right to lie to protect his privacy.

Oh....and if this "happened to me"....I'd ask myself what I did to cause this mess.
Originally Posted by Macy Manning
Valid points...

Thanks SNL and WTF.

Now, I wonder where the OP ran off to?
TryWeakly's Avatar
She at the beach.
As to why gents would lie to a provider, that should be a given as well. Even my long time/regular clients, I wouldn't expect to tell me every detail of their lives.

Now, as far as the situation at hand, I would simply not respond to the SO at all, and tell the gent that I refused to interfere in his affairs and wouldn't be speaking to the SO.

It's not your fault or responsibility.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-19-2017, 09:11 AM
Thanks SNL and WTF.

Now, I wonder where the OP ran off to?
Originally Posted by Macy Manning
Advertising on another threAD.
dearhunter's Avatar
Lying whore doesn't want to lie?
I dont get involved in clients personal lives, and vice versa. Isnt my business.
Thanks SNL and WTF.

Now, I wonder where the OP ran off to?
Originally Posted by Macy Manning

Hello Bi-otch!

For one thing I'm NOT on this site 27 F'N 7.
Another thing.....I'll run my business the way I have for over 7 years and you run your business the way you want.

I asked a simple question....that's it!

I take care of each and every client / john / friend and sometimes there is a certain bond with different "friends".

But to clear the story up......

I have known this individual for approximately 2 years. So, yes there will be a certain friendship that can and could develop between that time.

I called it off......but after some time, we continued to text each other. More on a friendship basis.

Those that have MET ME, know what a GENUINE PERSON I am & DAMN AMAZING AT WHAT I CAN GIVE THEM!!!!

So, at the BEGINNING I knew that he was seeing someone.
But then when we started talking again he tells me that he no longer has a GF.

So, then few days ago I receive the text from him saying he was sorry and that he had lied about having an SO and that he would explain later.

Then I get a text from a different number saying that "blah blah" that you have been talking to, I am his wife...blah blah.

SO......THE QUESTION I WAS GETTING AT IS......What is the point in lying about whether or not you have an SO or NOT. Because it's not going to go any further than an occasional hook up for an arrangement.

Oh, and btw...I thought I'd let you know since you're all up in my business, wondering where I am......Contact me if you wanna taste my sweetness.....otherwise, I usually don't get on the site on the weekends......but just for you MM....I made the exception because I woke up ready to piss someone off. It might as well be you darlin' ....

Have a BEAUTIFUL DAY, sweetie!
chicagoboy's Avatar
The answer to the original question is obvious - "said person" was trying to score some free hooktard pussy.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Can I come out of the corner yet? LOL.... nice threAD, by the way. Business must be slow.
While I haven’t posted on this site for a couple of years, this post deserved an answer that was more on target and an accurate answer to the OP’s question. The story I have is based on someone I know who let his guard down with a provider, and it had nothing to do with “scoring free Hooktard” goodies as some others have written.

The story goes like this:

Guy meets a new provider who he fancied. Within the first 10 minutes of talking to the girl during the initial "getting to know each other", she asked the guy if he was married. Of course, he told her no he wasn’t because her question was stepping over the boundary that exists for a reason. His mistake was seeing her after their first time together since he was married at the time. He continued in seeing her and things went to the point a few months later she told him she was in love with him and that he did not have to pay her any longer. The provider made it clear she wanted to continue to see him in the RW.

The short of the story is lying on a guy’s side is just part of the P4P game just like it is for the girls to not reveal their real names or their RW identity. Both parties, in this case, made multiple mistakes which led to her, and a cohort, lying to others in the P4P realm about his actions. That culminated in their actions, along with the complicity of others in the administration of the other site, in outing him to a lot of folks.

Who those parties are will not be revealed since the guy has been out of the P4P realm for many years, while one of the girls that outed him is still in this game and the other has retreated somewhere unknown. This story is the primary reason why I am the Watchman on the Wall for my friend. I will note that if any guy reveals his RW information to a provider or agency, he is a fool.

This story may also be one of the reasons why the owners of this site made sure to strictly enforce the outing guideline for both providers and guys given what occurred on the another site.
TryWeakly's Avatar
That's true but what about the whoretards that go through extreme measures to "capture" RW info like camping out in the bushes etc.... ? In that case the acquisition of the "target data" would be non-voluntary, so the target-tard errs only in judgement in which "lady" to see.... hence why this board exists, i guess... still seems like the girls have the shit-end of the stick bc of the fucktards who go around w shandles and throwaway numbers, while the girls kinda have to "stick true" with their profiles (and pictures)... but I digress... carry on.
Can I come out of the corner yet? LOL.... nice threAD, by the way. Business must be slow. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
obviously business is slow.......wonder why?.......most guys aren't in big gals.......ijs