How far is too far?

FLReWrite's Avatar
...also was lucky enough to have an ATF that lived 5 minutes away and was always up for seeing me on short notice. Originally Posted by joesmo888
I've never enjoyed that misery. I'd be a broke man for sure.
I drove 6 hours to KC (and 6 hours back home directly afterward) to have another appointment with one who had blown my mind the first time...I would probably do it again too. She was just that good.
Titluffer's Avatar
My job has me flying all over the country so much of the time I fly her out. But yeah, I've driven almost 5 hrs each way like a sucka...
The mind is capable of producing many things, even you. Originally Posted by burkalini
Woah ... dude ...
pyramider's Avatar
I have flown to the Midwest and the Northeast to see ladies.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Regardless of distance, it's a hell of a long trip when woody is trying to escape pants.
Even if only 10 blocks to a utr parttimer.