She's right! Pimp story made up just to hurt her. That's low. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
moved to coed
moved to coed Originally Posted by ynot_y
Where it belongs.
Tho' Mata alerted others what he is capable of...
Samcro84's Avatar
Don't get but hurt when she is not interested.

TryWeakly's Avatar
Can someone send me the video link...
And Pyramider called. He was asking about her taint.
I REALLY regret that I didn't catch her out of the gate when she had a great menu (December/January), as she is smokin' (to my particular tastes). It's the price of my hobbying becoming more sporadic.

I only have two observations about the menu thing, which seem to vary a bit from the discussion so far:

(1) I don't necessarily care that much about whether she's managed or not, but scaling back the menu to that extent, as opposed to simply raising her rates, is generally not a good sign for a couple of potential reasons - an indication of a change in enthusiasm and attitude BCD being just one. (It suggests the provider has reached the solely-out-of-necessity phase of the cycle, which often follows the first temporary leave of absence.)

(2) I texted her about her menu the last time she was in town a few weeks back, she responded that it was in fact restricted, and that was the end of that ... Then I got two texts from her the night she arrived on this visit, and when I responded that I would love to see her if she ever returned to her original menu, she said to never to text her again if I don't like her menu. Alrighty then. From my own limited experience, I wouldn't call her BSC by any means, but again, the demeanor in TCB is often an indicator of enthusiasm and attitude BCD.

But in the grand scheme of things, I look at it as another case where I snooze, I lose.
This one sure did backfire.
Mr.BobDabolina's Avatar
Like I said good luck gentlemen
She admitted to having a pimp in the beginning. The only reason Mata was saying it was her pimp this time was simply because he was trying not to say she is completely fucking nuts. It was more civil just to blame a pimp for behaving like a complete lunatic. In reality there was no pimp. It was her sending all the ridiculous text messages threatening and all that. Didn't you guys understand that?
But the other reality is the only reason anyone is jumping on her side right now is because they plan on trying to see her lmao. Good luck gentlemen. Originally Posted by Mr.BobDabolina

Guess you didn't get to see the text, huh?
I don't think it did. She is pimped or not she is BSC that was my point. The ones who are posting either have never seen her, don't contribute or like BSC like Sam does with SUpER bSC KELLY 512. At the end of the day what I said is true and I think the ones that wanted to schedule I heard canceled. Just BC they are cute does not Give them or their pimp a right to threaten us. I truly don't care because I think I got the best she had when she started, I won't see her anymore even though she tried to apologize after my post. I think her pimp or some alternate personality realized what a bad post can do. Well whatever she is in my rearview. Bye ho
I don't think it did. She is pimped and BSC that was my point. The ones who are posting either have never seen her, don't contribute or like BSC like Sam does with SUOER VSC KELLY 512. At the end of the day what I said is true and I think the ones that wanted to schedule I heard canceled. Just BC they are cute foes not GI e them or their pimp a right to threaten us. I truly don't care because I think I got the best she had when she started, I won't see her anymore even though she tried to apologize after my post. I think her pimp realized what a bad post can do. Well whatever she is in my rearview. Bye ho Originally Posted by Mata Leon

Guess you didn't get to see the text, huh?

I feel like I'm repeating myself.
Ya all made up. Your and idiot. So far fetched that she admitted to pimp already that she could not have one again. In fact she did better when she was pimped. You just might be right. Lol. What a hard on.
Ya all made up. Your and idiot. So far fetched that she admitted to pimp already that she could not have one again. In fact she did better when she was pimped. You just might be right. Lol. What a hard on. Originally Posted by Mata Leon

Nope, not a hard on. Just an asshole pointing out a fellow asshole.

Her story does add up against yours. But if you say she made it all up, I guess that's possible. But that's a lot to make up for a thread that will probably not affect her at all.

If you fucked up, own it. People are very forgiving you will find.
Yes she made it up. And yes it's affecting her business.And yes Iam an asshole!!! NEXT!!!
Yes she made it up. And yes it's affecting her business.And yes Iam an asshole!!! NEXT!!! Originally Posted by Mata Leon
A semi-illiterate clown with control issues.

Next indeed!