ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 06-04-2017, 02:29 PM
Sydney..... isn't it or is it? ........ I got to see that for my self!
Worst photo shop ever lol
All you can eat at my buffet 👅 Originally Posted by sydney_urgirlnextdoor
Haters will say it's photo shop
Bella Bonita's Avatar
No photo shop it's my camera phone sucks. But y'all are more than welcome to cum take a shot for yourself
CookieMonstrito's Avatar
No photo shop it's my camera phone sucks. But y'all are more than welcome to cum take a shot for yourself Originally Posted by sydney_urgirlnextdoor
All I know is that when I tasted it...there were no filters!!!

And did I have 2nds and 3rds!!...Since it is all you can eat
I'm on my phone so don't have pictures to upload. Just click on my ads to see my "Georgia peach pussy."

No folks, I am not from Georgia. That is slang for a pretty vagina. Yes, I've had people ask .....
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
I like what u have to eat! A woman's body is delicious!!!
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
All of u ladies look beautiful. When the juices start flowing it's meal time!
down4fun's Avatar
Very nice "I can eat a peach of hours"
DallasRain's Avatar
Wow. Yummmm meowwwww ladies!
Attached Images File Type: jpg 0502171902f.jpg (377.0 KB, 1267 views)
pickupkid's Avatar
yes Dallas,mmmm
Very nice Dallas....... Mouth watering!!!!!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks that showed up big...did with my cell phone...sorry
snoogins70's Avatar
Autumn Angel.....SON OF A &#$! I need to eat you....I mean meat you....I mean MEET YOU! :-9
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
All of u ladies r awesome!! I look forward to giving each of u a nice wet kiss on the lips!!! Both sets of lips! I love making a kitty purrr!