Easymode NCNS

Beau Derierre's Avatar
A71 doesn't think I'm hot ... and doesn't want the 3 way... Originally Posted by SNL9933
Try this one, she is hott as hell!!!

Baby! Stop bragging. We all know your the hott ass Italian stallion.
There is plenty of room in our bed for Alyssa71, The more the merrier!
You are just so lucky to have me as your______________________ Originally Posted by Beau Derierre
Shall I fill in the blank??

Ok here it goes..."as your....Booty Call? Rentable girlfriend? Tax Attorney? Sex Therapist?
Can we get back to booking the 3 way now...please

A71 is out...Fancy is in and we need to see if AM is in...let's get the fun scheduled!
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Shall I fill in the blank??

Ok here it goes..."as your....Booty Call? Rentable girlfriend? Tax Attorney? Sex Therapist? Originally Posted by SNL9933
Off to enjoy some wine...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So much pent up sexual tension. I do not thinck you could make it to a room.
Wow...that sucks...
Ya I'm out because I'd fuck his brains out and then there would be no funny SNL jokes. Lol
NightRager's Avatar
Ya you would. Lucky guy. I'm next.
There is plenty of room in our bed for Alyssa71, The more the merrier!
..... Originally Posted by Beau Derierre
idk....she's cute.

but damn. .....you seen her showcase?
G. S. Really? I'm on a tea detox,we'll see in a couple of months what you have to say. Dipshit. Geez, does it hurt you to be nice to people? I mean damn. So negative. Go on the show "naked and afraid" and see how it goes then tough guy!
idk....she's cute.

but damn. .....you seen her showcase? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I actually feel bad for you. You're like this for a reason. Whatever the reason is I'm sorry but you can't go around and be a dick all the time just because you can.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Can we get back to booking the 3 way now...please

A71 is out...Fancy is in and we need to see if AM is in...let's get the fun scheduled! Originally Posted by SNL9933
Now, now, don't be pushing any bootyful bodies out from under the sheets for me. Just get a bigger bed, or a cushier floor. I'm thinking a bounce house!
Exactly fancy! You got it! I would love to meet the legendary fancy! And your attitude is fantastic. If only I could get a tiny bit of your patience. I would be set.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Ya you would. Lucky guy. I'm next. Originally Posted by NightRager
TryWeakly's Avatar
Now, now, don't be pushing any bootyful bodies out from under the sheets for me. Just get a bigger bed, or a cushier floor. I'm thinking a NAKED bounce house! Originally Posted by Fancyinheels