BoeingWatch where you point that're liable to blow your own head off. You seem to be your own worst enemy on this topic. Like it has been said, allowing someone to KEEP their money is not welfare and you just made that point but still insist on not understanding what you just said. Let's take that company again. Instead of paying less or even no taxes, that company recieves taxpayer money for moving into an area and pays no taxes. That would be a case of welfare. You were correct about one thing; leave the thinking to those who can.
Royal Dutch Shell
If you think a tax break is not welfare then you are even dumber than I estimated. Then again since you do not even know what half the shit you type even means, you may mean something all together different then.
Let me give you an example of Corporate welfare.That effects me. I own a company. I have to pay taxes on everything I own and all the merchandise and supplies I have on the shelves. If a corporation wants to open a place next door they negotiate with the city to not have the pay property tax for a certain term. like 10 years or so. When the time is up, they renegotiate the terms. I know you enjoy jumping in on all the threads that spiral down into name calling, but leave the thinking to the rest of us.
So if you can read then you know what that means now. So when you go down to the store and buy your potted meat and Geritol, You benefit from them not paying taxes. So now who is on Welfare again? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Back to the OP; I have long been an advocate of "no representation without taxation". If you don't pay taxes, you don't vote. I exempt the elderly who have long paid taxes, the disabled who have little choice about paying taxes, and the active duty veteran who paying their taxes with their service (why tax them twice?). I don't really know enough about either Medicaid or Medicare as I don't qualify for either to comment on that. Corporations though...corporations don't vote, their people do and they pay taxes. Corporate "welfare" is not really welfare. It is a side deal the government makes to get a corporation into an area. We have a homesteaders law in Kansas still. You move yourself (and your family) to a remote or blighted area and you get a substancial tax break. You're performing a service for the state and that tax cut is not a handout, it is a payout for services rendered.