If you're human with blood running through your veins

themystic's Avatar
First let me say, I always listen to both sides. Especially after a Trump speech, I will listen to Liberal Channels (they are not even "left leaning" any longer) just to see their initial take on any "given topic" which is always the same, "dark, oh so dark", some even have mediocre statements at best, then, of course as time goes by and they have all had their chance to chat, with the George Soros LLC's and the David Brock's LLC (going to post in another thread about the BS that goes on that the Liberal Media get their news from) ooooh, they get mean and nasty.

Wars have been on this since earth since day one, (whether it be neighboring tribes or wordly countries, it is the nature of the beast) how the hell do you think all nations got where they are today, so they will not go away anytime soon. But disrespecting our men who so honorably serve this nation (BTW, that does include our men in blue) and their families is a stain on this country, our men and women who serve and their families. Originally Posted by Cherie
I know Florida is Trump country. Thats ok. Yes wars have been around forever, etc. I get that. We are talking about Afghanistan and how we got there.

Papa Bush lost the 92 Election becauce he didn't go all the way to Baghdad and take out Saddam. He didnt go in because, " We would never get out"

George Jr W thought Dad had "pussed out". Bad decision based on personal feelings

Thats why we are still there Cherie. We broke it
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Main Stream Media got their monies worth out of you didn't they?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You continue to be the dumbest motherfucker on this board.

Unless you can prove there's a physical disability or other intellectual challenges - in which case you'd be lumped in with SLOBBRIN and Gey Rey - you are putting a lot of distance between you and just plain stupid.
I know Florida is Trump country. Thats ok. Yes wars have been around forever, etc. I get that. We are talking about Afghanistan and how we got there.

Papa Bush lost the 92 Election becauce he didn't go all the way to Baghdad and take out Saddam. He didnt go in because, " We would never get out"

George Jr W thought Dad had "pussed out". Bad decision based on personal feelings

Thats why we are still there Cherie. We broke it Originally Posted by themystic
Florida is quite equally divided, remember we have half of the NYC Boroughs and Westchester County down here.

We went in because of erroneous intelligence information and if you remember correctly, many of the Democrats voted to go in with force, including Schumer, Kerry, Clinton, Feistein etc etc, so lets redistribute the blame a little here.

First why would you tell your opponent (Afghanistan) exactly what will be done (hello, when playing blackjack do you tell your opponent what you have?), which is what Obama did, made it quite simple for them to play their hand.

Second by pulling troops out, (there is strength in numbers), but no that administration saw fit to diminish our troops not only in numbers but in their emotional well being as did they not feel the support of their Commander In Chief was behind them. Which it (IMHO) wasn't.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you are a sub human, with air flowing through your head...

You've obviously never played blackjack. But why would you when there are hundreds of shiny Here Comes Honey Boo Boo penny slots nearby?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Papa Bush lost the 92 Election becauce he didn't go all the way to Baghdad and take out Saddam. He didnt go in because, " We would never get out" Originally Posted by themystic
papa bush didn't lose because of Iraq, he lost because he broke the "no new taxes" pledge.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If you are a sub human, with air flowing through your head...

You've obviously never played blackjack. But why would you when there are hundreds of shiny Here Comes Honey Boo Boo penny slots nearby?

YOW! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
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  • 07-15-2017, 09:13 AM

First why would you tell your opponent (Afghanistan) exactly what will be done (hello, when playing blackjack do you tell your opponent what you have?), . Originally Posted by Cherie
Most blackjack games you opponent ( the house) knows exactly wtf you have because the cards are delt up.

Even in two deck games the house does not give a fuck what you have.
You continue to be the dumbest motherfucker on this board.

Unless you can prove there's a physical disability or other intellectual challenges - in which case you'd be lumped in with SLOBBRIN and Gey Rey - you are putting a lot of distance between you and just plain stupid. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yeah, but I am still smarter than you, and I can even prove it in a court of law, lol.

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  • 07-15-2017, 10:06 AM
papa bush didn't lose because of Iraq, he lost because he broke the "no new taxes" pledge. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He wound up being correct about raising taxes and Clinton benefited from that.

Think about that bush raise taxes you right wing goobers didn't vote for him and then because of that raising of taxes we actually paid our bills as a country
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  • 07-15-2017, 10:18 AM
papa bush didn't lose because of Iraq, he lost because he broke the "no new taxes" pledge. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He was correct about raising taxes and Clinton benefited from that. We had close to a balanced budget.

Think about that Bush raises taxes... you right wing goobers didn't vote for him and then because of that raising of taxes we actually paid our bills as a country.

Which imho is a true conservative principle.

Which I believe was wyf Joe Scarborough was talking about when he said the current GOP Ais not principaled.
themystic's Avatar
Florida is quite equally divided, remember we have half of the NYC Boroughs and Westchester County down here.

We went in because of erroneous intelligence information and if you remember correctly, many of the Democrats voted to go in with force, including Schumer, Kerry, Clinton, Feistein etc etc, so lets redistribute the blame a little here.

First why would you tell your opponent (Afghanistan) exactly what will be done (hello, when playing blackjack do you tell your opponent what you have?), which is what Obama did, made it quite simple for them to play their hand.

Second by pulling troops out, (there is strength in numbers), but no that administration saw fit to diminish our troops not only in numbers but in their emotional well being as did they not feel the support of their Commander In Chief was behind them. Which it (IMHO) wasn't. Originally Posted by Cherie
Thank you Cherie. I like your answer

I forgot about that dynamic in Florida. It is equally distributed with 1/2 and 1/2. Your right

Your right The big Dems supported it becauce they felt it was political suicide. ( Obama voted against).

I think the "intel" was manufactured. We will never know but there were alot of "Intelligence" people calling BS from the begininng.

The rest of it I see your point, I just disagree. Lol I was ready to "pounce" on your response untill I actually read it! -( CB Im imagining the Conference Room)

Thanks for a classy response Cherie

Have a Happy Day
You continue to be the dumbest motherfucker on this board.

Unless you can prove there's a physical disability or other intellectual challenges - in which case you'd be lumped in with SLOBBRIN and Gey Rey - you are putting a lot of distance between you and just plain stupid. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
