Disable My Acct..

Champagne Brown's Avatar
Wakeup became best friend, once he was checked on racist remarks, 2013. 2013 same yr a ban happened after she was outted herself by SEEKING P, Busty Amy (no one banned, actually called drama) Moment later after bringing it to boards attention, wakeup starts with bashing her w/ stfu whores. Then claims he was outted same day ( ban 2013). March 2016 banned happened for calling herself the B- word,in her last major thread (inside joke). Name she was given by wakeup. It is what is, politics.. Have a awesome day im sure I will...

Ps: Both parties have never met, racist wouldn't see out of their own race.. He doesn't see anyone by the looks of it, for his info to be collected
Champagne Brown's Avatar
So pretty much, I agree outting isn't drama that was once told to (Me) a victim of being outted to (CPS & LE.
Wakeup's Avatar
When will the black, lying, potty mouth, outing whore learn to speak English?

We've already been over this, but to translate her gibberish...yes, Champagne Brown has outed me here on two different occasions, and has been banned both times. Once publicly on the board, and once in a private message. She has also outed me multiple times to other members via PM, and two of those who have received that PM have been banned.

Even though she admitted she did it, and even apologized once, she now refuses to admit she outed me.

That about sums up the black, lying, potty mouth, outing whore...
Champagne Brown's Avatar
So everyone knows , Wakeup and Deerhunter still on block..

So I can't see post, so we have nothing to talk about.. Goodday
TryWeakly's Avatar
Cant see what post?
Cant see what post? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
When you have someone on the blocked list you can't see any of the post they make...
TryWeakly's Avatar
When you have someone on the blocked list you can't see any of the post they make... Originally Posted by MissJae713
Forgot about that.... ^

Now she can...as a courtesy, of course..

When will the black, lying, potty mouth, outing whore learn to speak English?

We've already been over this, but to translate her gibberish...yes, Champagne Brown has outed me here on two different occasions, and has been banned both times. Once publicly on the board, and once in a private message. She has also outed me multiple times to other members via PM, and two of those who have received that PM have been banned.

Even though she admitted she did it, and even apologized once, she now refuses to admit she outed me.

That about sums up the black, lying, potty mouth, outing whore... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Since you quoted him, this is what I'll say then leave thread altogether.. I recall once JAD (Mod), say on wakeup's lying, it's not against board rules to lie. It's the internet anyone can say whatever they want, and I actually was told he doesn't hate me at all he thinks im naive.

The only person he's seen in person is, Valerie at least that's his claim.. She doesn't even stay in the country, oh my goodness..

This is all a broken record at this point, that's been discussed over and over since 2013. Remember 2013 is when I moved from San Antonio to Houston. I knew wakeup before I got here? Or was that the year he got butthurt, after being checked on his racist remarks?

Everyone can do their homework, and go through the archives if they want..

Like stinkyfingers said, you can't out someone to themselves.. It actually was a definition, to urban dictionary link that was sent to his pm box.. Received a 7day ban for it..

By the way I see your skirt tail, and I know exactly who you are.

Darn, I have another troll to add to the list.. Im sure we'll have another dance like last time, when you come back to the hobby doing your $60 car dates
dearhunter's Avatar
Why does CB (the lying potty mouth outing whore......no to be confused with cb, CDB, CD and LD's BBC) have deerhunter on ignore? Did she out him too?
So holding a grudge against a whore who outted you is DRAMA dually noted... Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
Anyone else think this "newbies" style is eerily familiar?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Also, just want to keep receipts.

A provider had a manandle at the same time. Now that's against board rules, I must say.. Now left with a manandle (TW)since you're not providing.

I don't care, not my business just doing you.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Since you quoted him, this is what I'll say then leave thread altogether.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
I didn't have time to get an 'Under' bet down, before CB posted again in this thread.

She really needs oughta post some lincks UITB, dammit.

Why does CB (the lying potty mouth outing whore......no to be confused with cb, CDB, CD and LD's BBC) have deerhunter on ignore? Did she out him too? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I appreciate that clarification.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Anyone else think this "newbies" style is eerily familiar? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Oh snaps, I caught on!

Yep she has a provider acct, and a manandle still... She's going by different names these days, thanks
Champagne Brown's Avatar
cb you been around to know everything.. You're going on the block also.. Im not playing these games anymore!
Since you quoted him, this is what I'll say then leave thread altogether.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown