"That's why bottled water is big business."
Hype, fear, misguided 'experts', effective advertising, and flat out ignorance are why bottled water is big business. Do what you want, but I will state again: please know what the fuck you are talking about.
Topeka, in particular, had a 'red water problem' around 15-20 years agom...rust from iron pipes. I was one of many who worked on that. To my knowledge (and trust me I would know) Topeka does not have an extensive network of galvanized pipe. The brown minerals you see actually come from Kansas Limestone, which is classified as a soft rock. I would be willing to wager that your boil experiment happened in a time of partial drought...and the concentration of lime went up higher than normal...and the guys at the plant did not want to 'over treat' for lime, because that could be actually dangerous...and they 'put up' with the high lime concentrations and the hard water that resulted...because although some people complained about aesthetics, it was definitely safe.
Btw, there are many liquids (juices for example) that must be shaken before drinking. Do you think that will kill you too?