Protecting the country is the first constitutional responsibility of the federal government you little patute. Not a social safety net you idiot and certainly not healthcare for able bodied people like Obamas Medicaid expansion you imbecile. Originally Posted by bambinoWell then let us drop the tax on SS and Medicare and Start one call "Military Security Tax" , it would be 15% like SS was. If it runs in the black, should SS take it and leave an IOU?

That would be more honest than wtf we are doing now.
Do you want to have your SS and Medicare cut because of military spending. That is basically the question that is going on right now. Nobody wants to say it but that is wtf is going on.
Congress right now is just cutting spending on old poor folks and young kids.
So that is the question before the country. Continue to spend more than the rest of the world combined by cutting aid to old fuckers and young kids or start looking to cut ALL programs.