Two U.S. Senators on hot mic "Trump is crazy", "and I am worred"

Lots of politicians have got caught with a hot mic. Originally Posted by wordup666

Shut your SHIT ENCRUSTED LIPS, eeeeebuherrrrrr

I B Hankering's Avatar

When Bush43 left office the DJIA was 7,000 points and falling fast. When Obama left office the the DJIA was over 18,000 points, a gain of 11,000 points. Obama cleaned up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind. The repubtards who post on here just can't accept that.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
Because Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator was the engineer behind "that mess", flighty. His signature is on every document directly related to the economic collapse, and it's your stupid ass that can't accept that, flighty.
It is becoming apparent that the Trump loyalists are stubborn.
They dismiss anyone who criticizes Trump, often accusing them of being pissed off because Hillary lost.
Okay, I am pissed off H Clinton lost, but it has nothing to do with liking H Clinton. I voted against Trump because I find him to be a shallow egomaniac. I see nothing positive in his philosophy about this nation. He twists the truth constantly. He has no deep knowledge of public service, and seems to desire no real knowledge about the big issues facing our nation. He brags about himself (fuck braggers), ridicules anyone who has an opinion different than him, and never demonstrates a knowledgeable grasp of issues. Republicans should demand more of this guy. He's a loud-mouthed, shallow-minded elitist. Republicans, please start pushing this guy toward a more thoughtful approach. This nation deserves a more thoughtful approach.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It is becoming apparent that the Trump loyalists are stubborn.
They dismiss anyone who criticizes Trump, often accusing them of being pissed off because Hillary lost.
Okay, I am pissed off H Clinton lost, but it has nothing to do with liking H Clinton. I voted against Trump because I find him to be a shallow egomaniac. I see nothing positive in his philosophy about this nation. He twists the truth constantly. He has no deep knowledge of public service, and seems to desire no real knowledge about the big issues facing our nation. He brags about himself (fuck braggers), ridicules anyone who has an opinion different than him, and never demonstrates a knowledgeable grasp of issues. Republicans should demand more of this guy. He's a loud-mouthed, shallow-minded elitist. Republicans, please start pushing this guy toward a more thoughtful approach. This nation deserves a more thoughtful approach.
Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Shut the fuck up, Muy Loco. Your party cheated and connived and ran hildebeest as your candidate for president. Trump won. Get over your sniveling self, you whining SOB.
LexusLover's Avatar
This nation deserves a more thoughtful approach. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
THIS is what you've offered! Embrace IT!

Shut your SHIT ENCRUSTED LIPS, eeeeebuherrrrrr

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Learn to DT then you wouldn't gag at the end iffy.
flghtr65's Avatar
Because Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator was the engineer behind "that mess". Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You simply do NOT know what you are talking about dumbass! The only thing you know about the Wall street melt down is how to spell Wall.

The collapse of Wall street was due to a perfect mix of unethical behavior, unlawful behavior and uncontrollable GREED. Banks and others were allowed to make risky bets that were not regulated. The banks were so greedy they were even taking bets against their own customers. The Glass, Stegal act was not a key factor.

From the link:

Lenders sold and securitized high risk and complex home loans while practicing subpar underwriting, preying on unqualified buyers to maximize profits. The credit rating agencies granted these securities safe investment ratings, which facilitated their sale to investors around the globe. Federal securities regulators failed to execute their duty to ensure safe and sound lending and risk management by lenders and investment banks. Investment banks engineered and promoted complex and poor quality financial products composed of these high risk home loans. They allowed investors to use CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS to bet on the failure of these financial products, and in cases disregarded conflicts of interest by themselves betting against products they marketed and sold to their own clients. The collusion of these four institutions led to the rise of a massive bubble of securities based on high risk home loans. When the unqualified buyers finally defaulted on their mortgages, the entire global financial system incurred massive losses.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You simply do NOT know what you are talking about dumbass! The only thing you know about the Wall street melt down is how to spell Wall.

The collapse of Wall street was due to a perfect mix of unethical behavior, unlawful behavior and uncontrollable GREED. Banks and others were allowed to make risky bets that were not regulated. The banks were so greedy they were even taking bets against their own customers. The Glass, Stegal act was not a key factor.

From the link:

Lenders sold and securitized high risk and complex home loans while practicing subpar underwriting, preying on unqualified buyers to maximize profits. The credit rating agencies granted these securities safe investment ratings, which facilitated their sale to investors around the globe. Federal securities regulators failed to execute their duty to ensure safe and sound lending and risk management by lenders and investment banks. Investment banks engineered and promoted complex and poor quality financial products composed of these high risk home loans. They allowed investors to use CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS to bet on the failure of these financial products, and in cases disregarded conflicts of interest by themselves betting against products they marketed and sold to their own clients. The collusion of these four institutions led to the rise of a massive bubble of securities based on high risk home loans. When the unqualified buyers finally defaulted on their mortgages, the entire global financial system incurred massive losses.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
You'd still be the ignorant liar, flighty. Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator repealed Glass-Steagall, flighty. Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator used the power of his office to direct lenders through the Community Reinvestment Act to make a greater number loans to high-risk individuals, flighty.

Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator said "It will guarantee that our financial system will continue to meet the needs of underserved communities... [and] establishes the principles that, as we expand the powers of banks, we will expand the reach of the [Community Reinvestment] Act".

Department of Treasury
It was the fraudulent nature of the Community Reinvestment Act that artificially drove up home prices creating the illusion of wealth that was not really there. The "housing bust" debacle is directly attributable to economic policies enforced by Carter and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator. The fraudulent policies enacted and enforced by Carter and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator enabled the greed. There would have been no bailouts if it weren't for the collapse caused by a contracting, defaulting housing market. The housing bubble had been fueled by risky sub-prime mortgages: a veritable house of cards. The lending institutions hedged their bets with derivatives.

"On October 19, 2000, the White House announced its 'strong support' for the version of H.R. 4541 scheduled to reach the House Floor that day. The House approved H.R. 4541 in a 377-4 vote.... In 2000, Title I's exclusion of financial derivatives from the CEA was not controversial... Instead, it was widely hailed for bringing 'legal certainty' to this 'important market' permitting 'the United States to retain its leadership in the financial markets', as recommended by the PWG Report." (Wiki).
Those three measures were the primary ingredients to the witches stew Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator brewed into the poison that destroyed the American economy in 2008, flighty.

And don't forget how Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and Chris Dodd were special "Friends of Angelo" Mozilo of Countrywide Financial -- one of the companies that brought the nation down -- who was a major dim-retard (John Kerry and Dianne Feinstein) donor.
"Friends of Angelo":
  • Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Christopher Dodd (D),
  • Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Kent Conrad (D),
  • Former CEO of Fannie Mae and adviser to presidential candidate Barack Obama, James A. Johnson (D),
  • Former CEO of Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines (D),
  • Ambassador Richard Holbrooke (D),
  • Former Secretary of Health and Human Service, Donna Shalala (D),
  • Barbara Boxer (Sen D - CA),
  • James E. Clyburn (Rep D - S.C.),
  • Edolphus Towns, (Rep D – NY),
  • Paul Begala (D) a Clinton White House staffer