Noisy crowd at tonights Beat the Heat happy hour

Bring it Ms Heaven, sorry you missed it on Thursday.

I want to send a shout out to JS. Good to meet ya Bro. Look, If you have never met JS, you should. He oozes cool. The man has ice water running through his veins. I kept looking for his surfboard leaning up in a corner. Then I was outside looking for his psychedelic painted VW bus. Didn't find either but did meet a really nice guy. Peace out Bro.
P.S. If anybody could round up a "Pussy Posse," JS would be the man to do it. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Awe Shucks Doc.

The check's in the mail. I reckon you were prolly beer gogglin'.

Here's me in the stone cold sober light of day.

Peace, Love, and #BHILF


PS Here is how I envision the #PUSSYPOSSE