Who's the next to be banned?

I need more votes.

And yes - I'm looking at you male lesbians and macabre, entitled, physically repulsive, female impersonators/hooks.

Thank you citizens of ECCIE. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
NBT - You're still here LOL
Good catch chubby chaser. I really should pay closer attention to the micro-particulars of
the NBT tribute poll on the whore board. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Since you seem to be watching the poll on pretty regular basis, I would have assumed that great analytical mind of yours would have been able to figure out why the percentages appeared to be off.

But given the reality that you struggle with simple supply and demand laws it really doesn't surprise me.

I think the baby elephants are having an orgy you may be interested in. Report back if/when you survive the ordeal, secretary. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I'm not looking to participate in an orgy with other men. However if a reverse gang bang were available, I'd certainly be up for that.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Since you seem to be watching the poll on pretty regular basis, I would have assumed that great analytical mind of yours would have been able to figure out why the percentages appeared to be off.

But given the reality that you struggle with simple supply and demand laws it really doesn't surprise me.

I'm not looking to participate in an orgy with other men. However if a reverse gang bang were available, I'd certainly be up for that. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
I believe you would.

Struggling with supply and demand as economic concepts. Strange conclusion that you have reached.

But really, when all is said and done, this is the way things have hashed out.

You have progressed from utterly unrecognizable non-entity to male lesbian first class as I see things.

Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man ...just be wonderin whys ...the fucks a grown mans woulds be callin themselves rooroo
I move for a vote of no confidence!
I feel more stupid after reading all this garbage!
Next Best Thing's Avatar

rooster's Avatar
plastic man ...just be wonderin whys ...the fucks a grown mans woulds be callin themselves rooroo Originally Posted by Plastic Man
It's...just plain ol Roo....and I thinck spa gived it to me...,so I will cherish it foh-evah....
Obviously, if you picked "other" , you are correct.
Plastic Man's Avatar
It's...just plain ol Roo....and I thinck spa gived it to me...,so I will cherish it foh-evah.... Originally Posted by rooster
hey jimmie poultry ya ...done come back ta loves yer ...plastic man ...long time!

...an in our hearts yall always be our ...beloved capon