Why can't you find links on the Bay of Pigs and Operation North woods? Kennedy took full responsibility of the Bay of Pigs because he was a true leader. You're getting to be a real pain in the ass. Now get off my fucking back.I don't need "links" ... which is why I'll continue to stay on your "ass"! It's apparent you didn't watch "live" Stevenson's presentation to the U.N. The Kennedys didn't take "full responsibility" for the Bay of Pigs fuckup! They blamed it on the intelligence/communication breakdown.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The ONLY ISSUE was were the breakdownS ... intentional or errors based on "faulty" or "improperly" synced devices and faulty paint jobs on U.S. aircraft. Or was the "intelligence community" setting up Kennedy as payback ... and intentionally botched the "invasion" like they later "botched" the burglary of a building and took down Nixon! You like "conspiracies" don't you?
How did Oswald die, now? How did Bobby die later?
When I saw Powell presenting the WMD "evidence" to the U.N. it reminded me of Stevenson when he got fucked! I watched Powell live also.