The Most Racist Post On Eccie by Sistine Chapel

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Grow some hair Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Are you Indian or Asian
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ so what is a white man when he wears a 10 gallon hat?

See how that works...dipshit
Sistine, you have issues...
I B Hankering's Avatar
^ so what is a white man when he wears a 10 gallon hat?

See how that works...dipshit
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You'd do well to call him "Sir", Shit-stained Chapped-ass.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You'd do well to call him "Sir", Shit-stained Chapped-ass.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And? So ? i got Army guns son and the difference between me and " him" I have advanced weapons training and not at all afraid to use mine. So run and tell the man with the 10 gallon hat I said that. This aint 1917 it's 2017 and I'm ready and prepared. I aint going out like my ancestors...I'm no easy mark so he will have to earn it. ..and with all of the anger I have in my heart tell the man with the 10 gallon hat he better come with an army. ;-)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sistine, you have issues... Originally Posted by Bonfirenut
Jesus had issues too my friend ;-)
There's a punchline to Sistines joke right? Or does he really have self hatred? Originally Posted by RyanFromTER
Sistine is the joke. Yes, he really does have self hatred but don't trust me, if you want to waste more time, go read his post history.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And? So ? i got Army guns son and the difference between me and " him" I have advanced weapons training and not at all afraid to use mine. So run and tell the man with the 10 gallon hat I said that. This aint 1917 it's 2017 and I'm ready and prepared. I aint going out like my ancestors...I'm no easy mark so he will have to earn it. ..and with all of the anger I have in my heart tell the man with the 10 gallon hat he better come with an army. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The Winchester is still in production, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, and you revealed the inferiority of your so-called expertise when you call a rifle an "Army gun", Shit-stained Chapped-ass.