The aging escort...

I, for one, am not a snob, but I can tell you what I think a true courtesan is. I was practically born walking in stilettos. I’ve had a sexy walk and mad, although better now, skills since I was in high school. These are just enticements. I am not 25 or even 35 anymore; I don’t need to be. I have the desire and ability to provide a cocoon of sexual hunger and genuine warmth when my gentlemen friends call on me in my swank hideaway. Expensive trappings, openness to off the bell curve sexual cravings, beauty, intelligent, educated and up to date thinking and knowledge of current events are the things that make a lady worthy of a high entertainment fee.

Gnadfly is right, stay in shape: eat a salad, hit the gym (I prefer working out outside), get some sleep, stay out of the sun and live a good life. That will keep you young and healthy well into old age. I look many years younger than I am because I take care of myself. The picture in my avatar is untouched and was taken in my foyer three months ago. Trust me, I haven’t seen 35 in years. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I agree with all you said :-). And you do look really really great, i would have guessed you are mostly my age, but that only because you told me you had a daughter in collegue.

And i agree that no one "needs" to be young, except you are not mature and have other means of attracting men.
I could not handle fitness studios, but i found - don`t laugh at me - working out with DVDs a great idea for me. I can take them anywhere and do it when i feel need to. Fitness studios i always paid the fee and never had time to hit them :-).

ANd i never tan, its the worst for skin. Although i realize i do look stupid in summer with my white skin, but there i use self tanners :.-)
This is one of the reasons I admire women from my country. We don't use juvederm or botox or any of that artificial anti-aging treatments. I know a few ladies in their 20s that are getting botox... that's insane to me. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh gosh in their 20ies? That IS insane. I just had my first botox shooting a last year november :-) and mid 30ies is the time to start.

I admire people who have the natural ability to not age, but i don`t trust mine. I have "smiling wrinkles" that got a little too deep for my taste and i don`t want to get permanent wrinkles around eyes and whatnot.

I certainly don`t need anything done right now, but i want to prevent , and with starting mid 30ies then you don`t need anything drastic done way in your 50ies.

Your ancestors have a better gene pool :-) . Look at david bowies wife or at naomi campbell.
I`d kiss my hands any day if i looked that good their age.
Nowadays, sorry to say, many , and way too many don`t do that anymore. For some escorts its even too much to ask to have miraculous lingerie available. They think victorias secret does it (or any other cheap brand). For me , these things, and not looking like a stripper are what makes a true courtesan. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Soo True! Give me some Agent Provocateur or La Perla anyday

You do make me laugh Nina.
You are a breath of fresh on this board Originally Posted by Camille
Yes she is!

Yea, I just looked up the word snob. It's not a pretty picture. Why would anybody brag about being a snob? Originally Posted by Ansley
You had to look it up? I don't think anyone is bragging about being a snob Ansley, acknowledging snobbish tendencies perhaps, but not bragging. I think we all have things that we are snobby about, at least I know I do, and I'll happily admit that.

I'm curious what you 30 plus women think about injections like botox or juvederm? Originally Posted by incognito isis
Well although I'm not yet 30, I do get botox (6 shots to be exact, and no I do not care if anyone thinks I'm crazy because I'm in my 20's! ) in my forehead about every 5-6 months.... My doctor is very good, I see some people who cant even move their faces at all (not good!), but I can move mine just fine, I simply don't like the wrinkles I get from laughing or making certain facial expressions. It's not so much about having wrinkles, some use botox (myself included) as a preventative measure. If I'm unable to wrinkle my forehead very much whilst I'm younger (bc of the botox) then when I do get in my 40's I will not have as many wrinkles because the botox has prevented those muscles over the years to move as much...
I'm curious what you 30 plus women think about injections like botox or juvederm? In recent years, these injections have become so popular. I'm going to be getting some injections around my mouth. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Isis, there are other products too that might be better such as Sculptra. I hope you are using a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for a consultation. Look at people/friends the doc has done. If you like her (or his) work then go for it. I can recommend a great Plastic Surgeon in NYC if you would like. She has an office out my way too.
Isis, there are other products too that might be better such as Sculptra. I hope you are using a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for a consultation. Look at people/friends the doc has done. If you like her (or his) work then go for it. I can recommend a great Plastic Surgeon in NYC if you would like. She has an office out my way too. Originally Posted by SR Only
Good move SRO - see if you can get Isis to CT!!
... I do get botox (6 shots to be exact, and no I do not care if anyone thinks I'm crazy because I'm in my 20's! ) in my forehead about every 5-6 months.... My doctor is very good, I see some people who cant even move their faces at all (not good!), but I can move mine just fine, I simply don't like the wrinkles... If I'm unable to wrinkle my forehead very much whilst I'm younger (bc of the botox) then when I do get in my 40's I will not have as many wrinkles because the botox has prevented those muscles over the years to move as much... Originally Posted by Valerie
I can attest to the fact that when you were looking up at me, the skin on your forehead looked flawless!!

Well although I'm not yet 30, I do get botox (6 shots to be exact, and no I do not care if anyone thinks I'm crazy because I'm in my 20's! ) in my forehead about every 5-6 months.... My doctor is very good, I see some people who cant even move their faces at all (not good!), but I can move mine just fine, I simply don't like the wrinkles I get from laughing or making certain facial expressions. It's not so much about having wrinkles, some use botox (myself included) as a preventative measure. If I'm unable to wrinkle my forehead very much whilst I'm younger (bc of the botox) then when I do get in my 40's I will not have as many wrinkles because the botox has prevented those muscles over the years to move as much... Originally Posted by Valerie
Well i heard beginning of 30ies is the best to start, but i am sure it won`t harm to do it younger than that.

Why does it last so long in you? I had just only one time botox and it lasted only three months. I have to redo it now and find a different doc because i was not so happy with mine.

The wrinkle treatment around my smile lines (hyaluronic acid) was perfect though. still lasting. :-). I want it underneath my eyes as well. for against dark circles. :-)
Good move SRO - see if you can get Isis to CT!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Lmao Ed! I knew you were going to say that!....You should make a visit to NYC Isis, I can vouch for Ed...personally
Lmao Ed! I knew you were going to say that!....You should make a visit to NYC Isis, I can vouch for Ed...personally Originally Posted by Valerie
Thanks Val, but did you just recommend me for a date or an appointment for Botox injections?!?!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well i heard beginning of 30ies is the best to start, but i am sure it won`t harm to do it younger than that. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I would never do anything to my skin before time. Before time meaning before I start seeing signs of aging. Someone advised me to start using anti-aging products now before signs start showing but I just couldn't do that. I love the way my skin is now. I can pretty much use anything on my face as far as soaps/cleansers and cremes are concerned and I will not breakout/my skin in it's natural state is flawless. I know a lot of people that can't get away with that and I'm truly grateful. That is just one less thing to worry about.

I think all those anti-aging stuff only speeds up the aging process. This may not be fact but it's my belief. Botox for one is something I KNOW I could never do. A lot of my friends use it but I couldn't imagine someone injecting a needle in my face or whatever the hell that is. It would literally give me a heart attack.
Well i heard beginning of 30ies is the best to start, but i am sure it won`t harm to do it younger than that.

Why does it last so long in you? I had just only one time botox and it lasted only three months. I have to redo it now and find a different doc because i was not so happy with mine.

The wrinkle treatment around my smile lines (hyaluronic acid) was perfect though. still lasting. :-). I want it underneath my eyes as well. for against dark circles. :-) Originally Posted by ninasastri
Well I'm certainly closer to 30 than 20 lol... And yea, no harm, esp since I get so little done anyway...

The first doc I went to, my botox only lasted about 3 1/2 months, so I changed docs and since then it's lasted me longer. I did notice they use two completely different techniques, perhaps that's something to do with it?

I'm just really OCD about my skin anyways, I use Dior L'Or De Vie La Creme Riche for my face, and Dior LOR De Vie Yeux Creamfor my eyes, and I swear it makes your skin radiant!
I would never do anything to my skin before time. Before time meaning before I start seeing signs of aging. Someone advised me to start using anti-aging products now before signs start showing but I just couldn't do that. I love the way my skin is now. I can pretty much use anything on my face as far as soaps/cleansers and cremes are concerned and I will not breakout/my skin in it's natural state is flawless. I know a lot of people that can't get away with that and I'm truly grateful. That is just one less thing to worry about.

I think all those anti-aging stuff only speeds up the aging process. This may not be fact but it's my belief. Botox for one is something I KNOW I could never do. A lot of my friends use it but I couldn't imagine someone injecting a needle in my face or whatever the hell that is. It would literally give me a heart attack. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I'm a firm believer in taking care of your skin when you're young. Sure, I could use some random cleanser and my face isn't going to breakout, but I try and think more for the long term...The key is to recognize your skin type, and find a product that caters to it and is a nice balance, doesn't necessarily have to be anti-aging, but in the long run it makes a difference. The better we treat our skin when we're younger, the better result when we're older, and I'm not solely referring to face creams/cleansers, sun damage is also something I avoid. While some young girls may think going to the sunbeds everyday is a good idea, by the time they're 40, their skin will most likely begin to resemble leather!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm a firm believer in taking care of your skin when you're young. Sure, I could use some random cleanser and my face isn't going to breakout, but I try and think more for the long term...The key is to recognize your skin type, and find a product that caters to it and is a nice balance, doesn't necessarily have to be anti-aging, but in the long run it makes a difference. The better we treat our skin when we're younger, the better result when we're older, and I'm not solely referring to face creams/cleansers, sun damage is also something I avoid. While some young girls may think going to the sunbeds everyday is a good idea, by the time they're 40, their skin will most likely begin to resemble leather! Originally Posted by Valerie
I'm a firm believer in one taking care of themself but I don't believe in using artificial products like Botox to treat my skin. Botox is not for everyone. If it works for you then that's great.. it really is. I know ladies my age that use Botox and I think they're insane. I know for one that I would't go near it now and not in a million years. Anti-aging creams? Of course but not now. I am not going to use such on my face at 21 years old. When it comes to cleansers and soaps I DO stick to one thing but my pont was .. I don't have to. Naturally, I do have great skin unlike most people. I am a black girl.. and I like my skin complexion to where I don't feel the need to tan LOL. I don't understand the whole tanning thing.. I really do believe it ruins people's skin.

Edit to add: It's like the makeup discussion. I don't need much makeup so I won't attack my skin with products I don't need. I'm really paranoid when it comes to my skin more than anything.
I'm a firm believer in one taking care of themself but I don't believe in using artificial products like Botox to treat my skin. Botox is not for everyone. If it works for you then that's great.. it really is. I know ladies my age that use Botox and I think they're insane. I know for one that I would't go near it now and not in a million years. Anti-aging creams? Of course but not now. I am not going to use such on my face at 21 years old. When it comes to cleansers and soaps I DO stick to one thing but my pont was .. I don't have to. Naturally, I do have great skin unlike most people. I am a black girl.. and I like my skin complexion to where I don't feel the need to tan LOL. I don't understand the whole tanning thing.. I really do believe it ruins people's skin.

Edit to add: It's like the makeup discussion. I don't need much makeup so I won't attack my skin with products I don't need. I'm really paranoid when it comes to my skin more than anything. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I think your skin is great, your complexion is indeed pretty damn flawless, what I am saying is just because your skin is flawless now when your only 21 and you can get away with not using cleansers, doesn't mean it will always be that way. So as a preventative measure, it is a good idea to start taking really good care of your skin while you're young, it will only help maintain your complexion as you do get older and begin to age. I've been a cosmetologist for 8 years now, was trained in all areas, esthetics being one of them, am only trying to offer advice. Taking good care of one's skin, no matter what their age or how perfect it may be, is never a bad idea...
...Taking good care of one's skin, no matter what their age or how perfect it may be, is never a bad idea... Originally Posted by Valerie
And stay out of the tanning bed!!!