Let's Talk Dirty

SleeperHit's Avatar
Dirty talk has to be one of the most unattractive things I can think of. It's so contrived.

No I don't want to be called daddy...I've got kids you dumb bitch
Stop saying fuck every other god damn word
Quit telling me to fuck you.....the fact that my balls are slapping you should give you the hint
No I'd rather not lick every inch of you, that's a bit much, you know damn well I'm not going to
Please don't tell me how big my dick is....it's literally attached to me, I know exactly how big it is

I mean, just make normal moans and tell me what you want....that will suffice Originally Posted by Cryformesky
Dirty Talk is WAY more than contrived porn lingo. It can be very very sensuous; it’s whatever pushes your buttons. It’s mental stimulation and foreplay; the right words create a mood and set the tone. I need it and choose providers who stimulate me mentally AND physically. I’m a big fan of dirty talk, the words don’t have to be crass.
Nothing wrong with dirty talk, especially if it comes out of passion, desire or even as encouragement.

If it is genuine it can be hot as hell! If it's not, and I don't think it's hard to tell the difference, it can be quite annoying.
i'm ok if it's not genuine.
if i was only happy with genuine i wouldn't hobby.

skilled, practiced, polished, natural enough to hold me in our fantasy for 2 hrs or so is plenty amazing. in fact it's a fucking miracle.

if dirty talk is done well, it can be great. but tough to define. ladies have used it gently and others have been brash and they've both been great. but others just can't pull it off.
Warden639's Avatar
I like the sound of that D&D session, sign me up if it ever happens.

On topic...Being recently de-virgin-ized, I'm easy to please, I'm still figuring out my likes and dislikes. I'd say I don't really care about the conversation during activities, it's the dialogue before and after I enjoyed.

Actually, first time, I was more concerned with whether the provider expected dirty talk from ME. Like, would they be freaked out or think they weren't giving me a good time if I was too quiet? When all you have to go off of is porn...
austin88998833's Avatar
Personally, I like dirty talk if it is genuine & not contrived. It turns me on if I know that my partner is getting turned on by saying certain things, just as she is getting ready to climax. With my wife it didnt happen often but when it did it was hot as hell. And when its your spouse its either real or nothing at all, but not fake. At least thats my experience.