Trump's First Year: An Amazing Success

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Prove me wrong then, dipshit emeritus. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You see, now. That’s the problem. You wouldn’t believe it when I did.

You’d rather eat shit than send the plate back to the kitchen.

Enjoy your meal GFEuser. And don’t forget to tip the waiter.
pussycat's Avatar
I think a great mid term commercial for the wall is to play the sound clips from most Demonicrats clamoring for the wall and boarder security, dating back to 1995 with Monica's boyfriend, up through 2013 with the likes of Schumer and Finklestien. Where they were for it before they were against it, then ask the question: What have they done for you lately? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The wall was actually started under Clinton and hundreds of miles of it are already complete. Funny how people forget.
pussycat's Avatar
Obama was in office for 8 years and he did not push any restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights. A Conservative SCOTUS has been, in my opinion, very fair in protecting 2nd Amendment rights and limiting them at times when deemed in the best interests of the public.

I personally feel no safer when traveling overseas since Trump took office. I have never had any fears of terrorist activity in the U.S. I can't think of any policies enacted since Trump has taken office that have impacted terrorist emigration to this country. We were safe under Obama and we are safe under Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Obama says constantly he's for severe restrictions on guns, like those in Chicago where he lived for 20 plus years. The reason he didn't push for more regulations is because he didn't have the votes. No chance of passing.
pussycat's Avatar
He'll be gone before then...
His meeting with Mueller will be the end.

"For two straight days, they asked Trump question after question that touched on the same theme: Trump’s honesty.

The lawyers confronted the mogul with his past statements — and with his company’s internal documents, which often showed those statements had been incorrect or invented. The lawyers were relentless. Trump, the bigger-than-life mogul, was vulnerable — cornered, out-prepared and under oath.

Thirty times, they caught him." Originally Posted by Observing
Sorry but no one in America can believe anything printed in the Washington Post or the New York Times anymore on this issue or any other. They've been exposed printing un-vetted lies from "anonymous sources" so many times that nothing they print anymore can be believed. Back in the days of Woodward and Bernstein reporters were required to get additional sources to verify gossip from anonymous sources, but today they don't care whether a story is true or not. They've discovered that when they print lies to rally their readers and boost circulation that there are no consequences, no accountability. This was confirmed finally with the Iraq/WMD hoax, and no one was held accountable for any of it. Gone are the days when truth mattered at "The Post." Today it's owned by Jeff Bezos, and the only thing that matters is PROFIT.
Little Monster's Avatar
The winning has just begun! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Like how y'all won in Alabama. A deep red state

Hi sugar,welcome back!!

For you luv

Like how y'all won in Alabama. A deep red state

Originally Posted by Little Monster
gfejunkie's Avatar
The only "proven lying sack of shit" has turned out to be Michael Wolff.
According to Wolff in his book, 'Fire and Fury', Trump didn't even want to win and never intended to. So tell me obie... Why, in your twisted logic, would Trump "collude" with the Russians to swing the election away from Clinton in an election he never intended to win??? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar
Like how y'all won in Alabama. A deep red state Originally Posted by Little Monster
Enjoy it while you can. That's all over come November. Shortest Senate term in history? Maybe.
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Fox News host immediately fact checks Trump’s claim the Russia investigation is a hoax: ‘It is not’.

Trump uses 'no collusion' 7 times in a single Russia answer.
If Trump were to play this like an actual intelligent human being, and not a bumbling ignoramus, he would've said something like "I would be happy to sit down with Mr. Mueller and answer any and all questions. I have nothing to hide and expect the answers to his questions will be both satisfactory and helpful."
But no, we get a rambling word-salad drenched with "no collusion" dressing.
Scared ass little bitch!

Trump says it 'seems unlikely' he'll give an interview in Mueller investigation, says, 'I'll see what happens'.'

In June 2017, Trump said during a joint press conference in the White House Rose Garden that he was "100% willing to testify under oath."
What happened Donnie boy?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Still no answer, eh? Just more #FAKENEWS.

Try again...

Why, in your twisted logic, would Trump "collude" with the Russians to swing the election away from Clinton in an election he never intended to win??? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Obama says constantly he's for severe restrictions on guns, like those in Chicago where he lived for 20 plus years. The reason he didn't push for more regulations is because he didn't have the votes. No chance of passing. Originally Posted by pussycat
I agree that he didn't push hard for new gun restrictions because he knew he couldn't get any legislation through congress.

I disagree that he was pushing for "severe restrictions on guns". Yes, he wanted to strengthen background checks. He wanted to focus on mental health treatment. He was for limiting magazine sizes. He supported gun safety courses. I don't call any of these measures as severe restrictions on guns.
Jwillie's Avatar
For the poster asking. According to multiple news source tax calculators im getting over 4k back.
If Trump is interviewed by the FBI or Mueller he will not take an oath/sworn in. That is not how the FBI works. In fact, they NEVER do that and don't have to. Lying to the FBI, whether sworn in or not, is a Federal offense. Not being sworn in is no kind of protection from prosecution.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
For the poster asking. According to multiple news source tax calculators im getting over 4k back. Originally Posted by Jwillie
Thanks for the response. I assume you are getting an ADDITIONAL 4k back under the new plan vs. the old plan. You must be on the high end of the 3rd tax bracket (77,400-165,000) to do so well. Congratulations!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Obama pushed for gun control every chance he had. He was always the first bird to jump on the perch for it. But don't confuse 'legislation' with bureaucratic fiat by agencies under him either. The latter is where he got more traction from sycophants, aka minions.

Background checks are not weak. He proposed nothing, absolutely nothing, that would have stopped any circumstance that had occurred to which he leapt onto his gun control perch. Gun safety courses are already mandatory in most states for things like hunting licenses and concealed carry. Not to mention the Boy Scouts as well.In fact, there was a time when courses were conducted in public schools.

The good news is he is gone. Not nearly far enough away, but he is at least out of the way and his minions are slowly, too slowly, dwindling away and being purged from the government.

But my New Years resolution this year if to focus on positivity more. No doubt Obama will go down in history as the best evah gun salesman. More guns were purchased under his watch than any other President.
I agree that he didn't push hard for new gun restrictions because he knew he couldn't get any legislation through congress.

I disagree that he was pushing for "severe restrictions on guns". Yes, he wanted to strengthen background checks. He wanted to focus on mental health treatment. He was for limiting magazine sizes. He supported gun safety courses. I don't call any of these measures as severe restrictions on guns. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX