Are There Secret Forums On This Site?

Beau Derierre's Avatar
Lmao Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I would thinck there are many secret forums on this board. Everyone knows there are multiple ladies forums that we mere fucktards without hooktard mandles do not have access to. Using that logic, it is not a leap to expect that there are modtard, admintard and other forums that are only accessible to the few. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I fixed that first part for you.

Click on your handle.
Click on your control panel.
Scroll down and click on paid subscriptions.
Scroll down to last entry for forum owners.
Send $350. Originally Posted by Pistolero
The OP's mom isn't fixing to give him $350.
Secret forums aren't so secret when.people run there mouths about it's inner runnings.
dearhunter's Avatar
Cold outside?
Wakeup's Avatar
GD could be a member too...but they’d have to admit what their previous handles were...anonymous retreads aren’t allowed...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
GD could be a member too...but they’d have to admit what their previous handles were...anonymous retreads aren’t allowed... Originally Posted by Wakeup
A member of what? And anonymous retreads aren't allowed where? Are you saying you do indeed moderate a secret or private forum where all hell is allowed?
Wakeup's Avatar
No, I’m not saying that at all. You have conspiracy theory on your brain, and it’s coloring your comments. I’d advise you to not let it do that...

I would thinck there are many secret forums on this board. Everyone knows there are multiple ladies forums that we mere fucktards do not have access to. Originally Posted by dearhunter
The ladies forums don’t allow anonymous retreads to have access...even for you...’re not very good at this, and humor doesn’t even begin to register when you’re in tin foil hat mode...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
No, I’m not saying that at all. You have conspiracy theory on your brain, and it’s coloring your comments. I’d advise you to not let it do that... Originally Posted by Wakeup
You advise me not to do me how smart you are and let's play this game....remember if I fuck up you can ban me...shall we play chess now?

Now again what are you talking about...are you suggesting that you do indeed moderate a secret forum...don't run Wakeup...remember I'm just a dumb negro ;-)
Wakeup's Avatar
You want to play chess...and you can’t even read what I just posted? I see my advice falls on deaf ears. Have a nice day...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You want to play chess...and you can’t even read what I just posted? I see my advice falls on deaf ears. Have a nice day... Originally Posted by Wakeup
What I read and how I respond are two separate concepts. Shall I lead you to the ballroom dance floor? No? OK I understand why you dont wanna play it is a slippery slope for ya...and you're smart enough to ascertain that SC can be a slick negro...
chicagoboy's Avatar
... I'm just a dumb negro Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The OP should try that out as his custom user title, in place of ‘Valued Poster’.
That made me LoL.

And shitstain fits right in. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter

Not really. Every time Sissy Chaps ventures over there (the Political Forum) she gets her ass thoroughly kicked and is sent packin'.....
You don't read very well. Someone who purchases a forum has zero modtard ability. Originally Posted by dearhunter

That's what they say, right!
GD could be a member too...but they’d have to admit what their previous handles were...anonymous retreads aren’t allowed... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Hmm. Bumpy Deek maybe? Or maybe some former new world Spanish whore? A whore in desperate need of a boob job? Some trick who doesn't understand the word no? That deaf and mute voice in boardman's head? The artist formerly known as Island Gent? Living out my Tumi bag? A whore waiting on the series finale of Whale Wars?

I'm whomever you want me to be for the hour. Just don't try to negotiate my rates.