Can one have it all?

discreetgent's Avatar
Speaking of golf, OHM you know what's right around the corner... Originally Posted by Ansley
The Masters?
The Masters? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Hush now, I was talking in code to OHM.
discreetgent's Avatar
You need to do a better job encrypting it
Absolutely one can have it all, and good luck to you if you get in my way.

Then again, I'm still a wee idealistic thing, music maker and dreamer of dreams and all that.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Speaking of golf, OHM you know what's right around the corner... Originally Posted by Ansley

As a matter of fact I had lunch with my buddy up in Austin yesterday and we discussed our trip this year so yeah the plans are coming together.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Now I'm jealous. It will pass soon I hope.
Now I'm jealous. It will pass soon I hope. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I'm right there with you Marcus.It will pass Sunday May 11th , around 6pm.

And to you OHM
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I'm right there with you Marcus.It will pass Sunday May 11th , around 6pm.

And to you OHM Originally Posted by Ansley
Not golf Ansley. You.
atlcomedy's Avatar
DG with "Get a Room" in 3-2-1....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-25-2010, 08:40 AM
Absolutely one can have it all, and good luck to you if you get in my way.

Then again, I'm still a wee idealistic thing, music maker and dreamer of dreams and all that. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
So two people that think they can have it all .... and who want the same say person. Seems one is not going to have it all.

Me thinks you are a tad modest in your 'a wee idealistic' thingy.

You can have it all, but not all at the same time.

A woman can have a successful career, a rich family life (meaning a strong "soulmate" connection with her spouse as well as deep plentiful interaction with her kids), and time for herself, but NOT ALL AT ONCE.

She can have the career before kids or after they're raised. While the kids are at home the career becomes more of a job or else her relationship with the kids will be weaker.

Usually the relationship with the spouse takes third place so it suffers.

Do you remember when (the original) Fergie, Duchess of York, left her newborn to fly to Australia with her husband? There was a public outroar over her placing her romantic relationship ahead of her maternal role. That's how strongly ingrained is the idea that a woman should put her kids ahead of her husband (even in this case where the baby was very well cared for).

The scenario above is the female version of WTF's question: "Can you be a great dad and a dedicated golfer? CEO of a charity? and Father of the year?" (and toss in "an emotionally close, physically available husband.")
I give the same answer: Not all at once.
Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Great answer. This is kinda my point, I think. It really is ok not to think you can do it all at once. You can't. People who learn this are much happier people. IMHO.

So again you can have 'had' it all but not at once. That's a pretty good feat, don't you think? When you concentrate on one aspect of your life you neglect another part of your life. It is a difficult balancing act. Watch out for people that tell you you can have it all. They usually got something to sell.
I say no. Originally Posted by WTF
The answer is yes. One can have it all, but not in just one lifetime!

OneHotMale's Avatar
I'm right there with you Marcus.It will pass Sunday May 11th , around 6pm.

And to you OHM Originally Posted by Ansley

Damn so what did I do to deserve the tongue heh Ansley?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Damn so what did I do to deserve the tongue heh Ansley? Originally Posted by OneHotMale
I'll leave this one alone...but OHM put this one up on the tee for someone....
OneHotMale's Avatar
I'll leave this one alone...but OHM put this one up on the tee for someone.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy

Yep I did leave it up on the tee so as to see who would have the first snarky comment. No surprises from my end.
Damn so what did I do to deserve the tongue heh Ansley? Originally Posted by OneHotMale
I was just joking around with ya OHM. Isn't this about the third year that we (or I) have brought up this subject?