You’ve wasted my time over the past couple years and I finally said yesterday that I am declining to see you. I’m sure you have some bitter comment in the private section because of that LOL.
Originally Posted by DallasBella
I've reached out to you 3 or 4 times since oct 2016. The first time i set up a noon appt at your Bedford location. You misread the message and overslept. I contacted youto reschedule sept 2016 but since i didnt give you 2hrs notice you werent availble.
The next time YOU contacted ME and I was already deployed.
3rd time i contacted you on p411 sept 2017 and the first thing you tell me is that you wont see me unless i gift you points because you thought it was my fault for missing the appt in oct 2016 (the one you got confused on). Upon research you apologized and my intentions were to set up an appointment with you for the following day however you were getting dental work done.
Fast forward to this week. Tuesday i think it was. I pm you. You ask me when i'd like to meet and that you are free as long as i give you 2 hrs notice. I look at my schedule and its full this week with work, valentines day, court, and family obligations and i tell you i cant this week. You respond back and call me a liar and a time waster. Totally neglecting the fact that my reasoning of contacting you in the first place was to set up a time that works for both of us, since you need two hrs notice and im not always in dallas or bedford (i live and work near lake worth).
So that limits me to the 1 or sometimes 2 days a week i drive to dallas, thats also not in the morning (beacause you dont do early am appts) and giving you at least 2 hrs notice. That next day being tuesday February 20th at 3pm. Which was the date our appointment would have been scheduled had you not jumped down my throat and allowed the conversation to develop in the first place.
So would you like to schedule?