Attempts to suppress honesty on this board: Providers who get NO reviews and then lash out at the reviewer

Must not be avid enough. But I was referring more so on the Google reviews.

Edit: just did a simple Google search about negative owner responses on yelp and a shit ton showed up.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
The difference is that when an owner responds, it’s in an apologetic manner and not badmouthing the customer/reviewer... Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Perhaps for more Claire-ty, she would say "when a smart, responsible, good business owner responds, it’s in an apologetic manner and not badmouthing the customer/reviewer...

Must not be avid enough. But I was referring more so on the Google reviews.

Edit: just did a simple Google search about negative owner responses on yelp and a shit ton showed up. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Go do a simple google search of "How to respond to negative reviews" And then tell me if the results tend to support Claire's theory or your own. (Not that you have actually stated a theory other than that nasty responses do exist.)

The issue is not whether some people do get nasty when responding to negative reviews, it's whether being nasty is a best business practice.

And you could do this google search: "I trash and badmouth my customers whenever I get a negative review and it is doing wonders for my business!"

But not so many search results right there, huh?
I can agree with that Capt. It may not be a good business move but should be allowed.
Little Monster's Avatar
And how Not to do quotes.
If that is what he is trying to do. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Precious_b's Avatar
Yeah. I'm a big pussy.