The current counter argument I'm seeing on FB is "What aboutism." They simply don't want to hear it and think it is a distraction from the reality. It's almost as if they want black people to kill black people in Chicago. "It's a rite of passage." "A black thang." "You're not capable of understanding." I'm surprised a black pundit hasn't attributed it to the currently popular excuse "tribal politics."
I guess we need to give Sistine Chapel time.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
Either that, or they feel those making correlations to chi-raq, are making ILLOGICAL fallicies.. Or straw-man arguments..
Liberals and the like minded ARE outraged by the daily toll gun violence causes, particularly in minority populations. Mass shootings make up a statistically insignificant portion of gun violence, but they make up all of the coverage because people give a shit about death when it's entertaining. Of course proponents of restricting access to certain types of firearms/background checks/a national system for gun registry are going to bring this up when the public's attention is fixed on a mass shooting. Just like the conservative NRA does in the opposite direction.
Originally Posted by blueandgreen
And if you note, they always use these shootings to say "SEE, we need to outlaw assault weapons".. WHEN IN MOST of these shootings, PISTOLS are the most common weapon used by far..
As an NRA member, CHL holder and gun owner I'd like to dispel the myth that the NRA wants crazy people and criminals to own guns.
We don't.
We want the current gun laws enforced before more are tacked on. Also, we want the current background check database accurately and timely updated.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
Exactly.. As i keep pointing out. 99% OF THESE SHOOTINGS had killers who got their guns USING all the current laws on the books.. SO NO new laws would have stopped them.. BUT a # of them COULD HAVE been prevented, had the laws actually been enforced in regards to their mental health, in forcing the providers to alert the cops, which in turn would have flagged them and prevented them from legally buying the guns they used...
What they don't (and imo) NEVER understand. WHAT good is making up yet MORE laws, when the ones we already have, are often just IGNORED or not enforced enough?
I mean how many times have we heard of this or that crook arrested for a crime, carrying a weapon that LEGALLY they are not allowed to own. BUT rather than severely punish them, they are 'revolving door' back out on the street in a few short months/years...?!?!?!
They actively lobby nearly every major political figure to stifle any form of gun control, which results in a national discussion about the issue being tabled. Since you were allowed to present unrelated anecdotes I'll make my own unrelated analogy: this issue is the new Congressional gag rule from the antebellum period.
Originally Posted by blueandgreen
BUT what laws are the left wanting, that would actually stop these killings?? The only one, is 'confiscation of weaponry'.. And that is something EVERYONE should be against..