Is this Okay Married/boyfriend/girlfriend/fun buddy

Whispers's Avatar
You are in a relationship falling asleep next to a guy you probably fuck every night drunk or sober and one night you are more drunk than normal and you fuck him and want to call it rape?

I don't see it that way and I doubt it would get prosecuted because reasonable doubt seems pretty easy to establish.

That being said....

Nausea and the memory loss doesn't seem to be a regular part of your getting drunk....

You state that he brought the liquor.... Did he drink the same liquor you did or something else? It could be that you were drugged in some fashion or the alcohol content of what you were drinking was greatly increased in some manner. That changes the way it would be looked at greatly. Are any of those bottles still around? You might check them for residue if so.....
^^^^ for all the haters who think Whispers is anti-provider. There you go! Amanda Witherspoon would never believe it.
CubanAva's Avatar

Nausea and the memory loss doesn't seem to be a regular part of your getting drunk....

You state that he brought the liquor.... Did he drink the same liquor you did or something else? It could be that you were drugged in some fashion or the alcohol content of what you were drinking was greatly increased in some manner. That changes the way it would be looked at greatly. Are any of those bottles still around? You might check them for residue if so..... Originally Posted by Whispers
This is the conclusion I have come to as well. When i was younger, this happened to me. I thought it was due to me mixing liquors, but my nausea was so bad, i had to go to the ER. Thankfully i didn’t wait or they wouldn’t have been able to trace anything in my system. It’s so unfortunate that you didn’t get the same care and have the tests run so you could have peace of mind and undeniable evidence.
The memory loss is the absolute worst part, because you will never know exactly what he did to you. It’s like being raped over and over again with no end. I hope you get some treatment as the emotional toll it will take on you, is no joke. Physically we heal but our spirit will remain in the dark and broken.
This is just a waste of space. If we all advertised and vented the things we think or feel a X did wrong on here.. Lol.. I couldnt even begin to explain the level of shit we would see. Point being, Using the co-ed to slander someone you had a personal relationship with....Is just FAKE NEWS ! Keep the coins on the dresser. Nsa. Along with the personal claims. Being that you moved on in dec and now this post. As a female it makes me question your motives. Not what happened. I say that because Its not for me or anyone else to call you out or say it didnt happen. But, you cant start a thread that someone cant defend themselfs on and make serious accusations like these. Its not right.

At the end of the day you are responsible for the alcohol you consume. You have to own your shit. Period. This is also why alot of providers dont drink on the clock. To stay aware of their surroundings.
But then again you are posting about your personal experience. Someone you resided with. Nothing to do with the hobby.
Why are you so quick to dismiss what she is saying? Because you had a different experience doesn't mean it didn't happen. He is welcome to come and plead his side of the story. He doesn't need you to defend him if he is innocent.
Im not. Im saying no person makes you drink. Your a adult. Second this happened in a personal relationship. Not p4p. So, every provider should get on here and make serious accusations months after being in a relationship with another member? Think not. I would have thought that it would have been a alert long ago. Selectively bashing someone who cant respond isn't ok.
Im not. Im saying no person makes you drink. Your a adult. Second this happened in a personal relationship. Not p4p. So, every provider should get on here and make serious accusations months after being in a relationship with another member? Think not. I would have thought that it would have been a alert long ago. Selectively bashing someone who cant respond isn't ok. Originally Posted by TexasJess

Why can"t he respond???
Yes why can't he respond? Also they met here and what stopping him from doing this again? Because he is paying?
Why can"t he respond??? Originally Posted by partshawk
Ask him.
Yes why can't he respond? Also they met here and what stopping him from doing this again? Because he is paying? Originally Posted by Kickrocks

As I stated. Ask him. Pm for details.. Lol. Is that the politically correct response?
Yes why can't he respond? Also they met here and what stopping him from doing this again? Because he is paying? Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Who's going to stop her from calling his employer again? There is more to this. I said its never ok to take advantage of a person. I never disagreed with that.
He can get on here and defend himself.
He can get on here and defend himself. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Actually he cant.
He's telling you she called his job? So since you're saying this is a personal matter and not a hobby matter, then that should not matter, correct? He can't have it both ways. He is a big boy and he can get on here and explain his own actions. How he was able to convince you to be his public defender baffles me.

As for sending him a p.m., I will not. I will assume his guilt like everyone else until he speaks for himself.