
Little girl, you are insulting every persons intelligence on here by this bull shit. It's not a good move to have a client starting a thread for you. A worse move is having a mandle. Which is what this is. You have been banned so just do your time and move on. Nobody likes this bull shit drama. Jeeze.

I had asked her about the alerts and such. I did my homework and her argument seemed legit. We met for coffee and she showed me her texts between the accuser and her. How did she manage to find his Facebook then? How could a long time hobbist be so reckless? Originally Posted by Justlookingjohn
Y'all are really crazy. So I guess anyone who tries to say something nice about her is automatic her.
Little girl, you are insulting every persons intelligence on here by this bull shit. It's not a good move to have a client starting a thread for you. A worse move is having a mandle. Which is what this is. You have been banned so just do your time and move on. Nobody likes this bull shit drama. Jeeze. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Your titties are saggy and your old. No wonder why you'd ad the to thread. Feeling a bit challenged?
Your titties are saggy and your old. No wonder why you'd ad the to thread. Feeling a bit challenged? Originally Posted by Justlookingjohn
Lol! And you're an evil cunt of a troll with a squishy anus face

Just like sweetsarah512/ziba to attack anyone who spoke up against her lol.
Lol! And you're an evil cunt of a troll with a squishy anus face

Just like sweetsarah512/ziba to attack anyone who spoke up against her lol. Originally Posted by Coolbeans10
Actually I'm very handsome and can pull ladies faster than alot of you. Can't really speak for yourself.
Lol, of course you are Sarah



I can't agree with this statement any more strongly. Beware! z Originally Posted by ztonk


Please refer to coolbeans10 post on this review. It will give insite as to why he is out to get her. Also adds to the fact maybe it's just a bunch of bullshit people are saying because they didn't like her.
Oh no! You totally got me! My goose is cooked! Lolll!

You are a moron Sarah



I can't agree with this statement any more strongly. Beware! z Originally Posted by ztonk

Not Sarah but whatever helps you sleep at night. How many times are you going to post that same post? Shouldn't you be banned for something like that?

Read the comments people. She never received a No review.
Whatever you say gimp. Shouldn't you be banned for promoting a provider who blackmailed other members?



I can't agree with this statement any more strongly. Beware! z Originally Posted by ztonk

None of that has been proven so far. All we have is hear say and your stalking ass that continues to go every I go on the board. She didn't touch your dick and you got mad. Get over it. Or is it that hard for you to take rejection?
Day two of my post and all I've gotten is you overposted the same thing. I call bullshit on alot of your doing.
None of that has been proven so far. All we have is hear say and your stalking ass that continues to go every I go on the board. She didn't touch your dick and you got mad. Get over it. Or is it that hard for you to take rejection?
Day two of my post and all I've gotten is you overposted the same thing. I call bullshit on alot of your doing. Originally Posted by Justlookingjohn
Lol! This just gets better and better hahahah! I'm sure people will make up their own minds after reading the Alerts



I can't agree with this statement any more strongly. Beware! z Originally Posted by ztonk
