Do guys contact you and say they will increase your business/get you more customers if you give them discounted or free visits?

Back when I started Eccie in 2010, I was NEVER approached by anyone asking for a review special in return for fame and glory/more business lol

I guess the predators/manipulators weren't so active back then or maybe they didn't think I'd oblige and thus never asked. I had enough business and reviews with no specials needed.

Pretty sure if the more seasoned ladies got to the new ladies, there would be less bs they would deal with.
Teagenluv's Avatar
One man told me he could get me into the elite VIP eccie club where I would get fucked by all the elite VIP eccie men in the club. He claimed to be a moderator. I told him no thanks since I knew there was no such thing and that the elite VIP eccie men were already fucking me)))
Hercules's Avatar
it's pretty clear to me that women have been getting the short end of respect, being listened to, being believed since probably long before Jesus, the Jews, Mohammed, even Pharoh. Originally Posted by pmdelites
The fact you view women as such archaic, out-dated frail little snowflakes is kinda scary.

unfortunately, the cards are mostly stacked against any provider.
and they are stacked for guys who feel that it's their (self-declared) privilege to get a discount or bargain in exchange for giving the provider some "help."
sure sounds kinda like what Harvey Weinstein did (*)
sometimes, women speaking up are taken seriously. but in general they Aren't Originally Posted by pmdelites
You're kidding right? Do you spend so much time here on eccie that you don't watch the news? Weinstein. Lauer. Dallas Mavericks (<-shit going down right now). All being taken down by women willing to come forward. Not sure about anyone else but I've met some ladies here that don't take shit off'a no one.
TinMan's Avatar
One man told me he could get me into the elite VIP eccie club where I would get fucked by all the elite VIP eccie men in the club. He claimed to be a moderator. I told him no thanks since I knew there was no such thing and that the elite VIP eccie men were already fucking me))) Originally Posted by Teagenluv
What’s his handle?
Teagenluv's Avatar
TinMan I don’t remember his handle. This was a long time ago and I no longer have a phone record. I never did see him of course. He may have tried playing the Mod scam on others too if I recall.
I haven't trolled the WW in a while tbh. I've never used my review count as a bonus and actually the only time I even e bring up my review count is when I'm asked for a reference, or asked to review.

At the end of the day it's the ladies business. In this situation (if I was a lady starting out) I'd actually seek out the top reviewers. How much credibility is a review worth from a newbie who just got an account 3 months ago.
ck1942's Avatar
At least a couple of ladies per month ask me about guys hereabouts trading favorable reviews for services.

And, dammit, when the first thing I ask a lady how the schemer contacted her, some say via PM and some say via text. I ask about the texters, "have you asked him to send you a PM and did he?" and answer usually is no. I ask about the PMers and suggest that the lady click the report to moderator link in the incoming PM, and I know several who tell me they have done so, but most just let it go apparently.

The worst of the schemers are those who succeed in gaining boudoir entry, have a great time and then NEVER post the promised review. I hear from many new and established ladies on that front.

Sometimes there may even be a few well established providers in on the review schemes, often vouching for the schemers and scammers just to get inside knowledge of the new lady.

Way too many newcomer ladies are quiet naive obviously and make tempting targets.

Wishing there could be a way to significantly diminish much of the above, of course, and in the ASPD days staff did attempt to do so with some successes, assuming the ladies read their incoming mail.
Boltfan's Avatar
That post rings true on many different levels. But, do you really think that these guys that report high off the charts IOP and PSE actually receive those services or is the review an embellished pimp/facilitator review? IMO, it is the latter as that review is designed to bait business in the door for her with not only the pretty pics, but also the great service reported. It is clear when after multiple different guys see her (probably based on that review) and the service may be acceptable, but no where near outstanding, that review that they read that got them to contact her was a total sham.

The trouble that a new girl faces, and I am sure it has happened, is, a certain type of guy reads this romantic novel of a review, contacts her, then he goes to see her. This guy does not get that expected level of service and feels slighted, but instead of reviewing his experience later, he takes it out on the girl physically right then.

The problem is, the prolific reviewers tend to stick with the ww to do their trolling, probably due to the girls lack of screening skills. Those ladies are not going to come forward and name names since they are new and not wanting to cause waves, so they are easier targets for asking for discounts, giving out personal info, ect. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Every one gets IOP except you. What else is new.
I created this thread because of things like cumbunnie98. Go look at her first review and then look at the others. It's obvious that she was on good behavior for that first review with pics with the hope of increasing business.

Yes, I am jealous in a way. The girls here are selling a service. If I pay an electrician to fix something and the ad said $$$ an hour. Someone else comes along and pays half that. I do feel a certain negative way. I would also like half price. It's life I guess. It probably takes effort to do it, which I don't care for. Hustling aint easy?
i wrote her first review..

so.. are you saying i'm her pimp?

or are you just trying to stir up unnecessary shit?

dude all your reviews are of AMPs anyway.. what the hell??
PeterBota's Avatar
One man told me he could get me into the elite VIP eccie club where I would get fucked by all the elite VIP eccie men in the club. He claimed to be a moderator. I told him no thanks since I knew there was no such thing and that the elite VIP eccie men were already fucking me))) Originally Posted by Teagenluv
Name the notherfucker.
PeterBota's Avatar
i wrote her first review..

so.. are you saying i'm her pimp?

or are you just trying to stir up unnecessary shit?

dude all your reviews are of AMPs anyway.. what the hell?? Originally Posted by honest_abe
i wrote her first review..

so.. are you saying i'm her pimp?

or are you just trying to stir up unnecessary shit?

dude all your reviews are of AMPs anyway.. what the hell?? Originally Posted by honest_abe
Pimping is overused on this forum. Pimpin aint easy is from a rap song.

The better term would be hustling aint easy, but that is not in a song.

This is not about you, but that is an easy example of what this thread is about.

No one here is making money off the girls i'm pretty sure(pimps). This thread is about wondering if people are using their status to get less expensive sessions while normal people pay full price.

Since you brought up your name, most people seem to appreciate your reviews and the pictures to see what they look like, etc.

I would LOVE if the AMP girls reviewing this forum and answered if some of the guys are getting (free) sessions to increase their business, but that wont happen because they probably can't read English.

This would also be an issue on angies list. Watch what happens if people find out that they paid more for plumbing services than other people.
PeterBota's Avatar
Pimping is overused on this forum. Pimpin aint easy is from a rap song.

The better term would be hustling aint easy, but that is not in a song.

This is not about you, but that is an easy example of what this thread is about.

No one here is making money off the girls i'm pretty sure(pimps). This thread is about wondering if people are using their status to get less expensive sessions while normal people pay full price.

Since you brought up your name, most people seem to appreciate your reviews and the pictures to see what they look like, etc.

I would LOVE if the AMP girls reviewing this forum and answered if some of the guys are getting (free) sessions to increase their business, but that wont happen because they probably can't read English.

This would also be an issue on angies list. Watch what happens if people find out that they paid more for plumbing services than other people. Originally Posted by bigdik11
Nobody can beat a federal case.
This is not about you, but that is an easy example of what this thread is about. Originally Posted by bigdik11
well.. for the record, cumbunnie98 did not offer me any discount what-so-ever.