Sensual Asphyxiation

Happy Diver's Avatar
Sensual asphyxiation is not safe. Aspiration is always a possibility and that can lead to pneumonia. There are other ways to excite through control. I don't recommend it. Just my 2 centavos.
To hear my lover's sex drowned voice whisper in my ear while he's chocking me, "Does that make you hot." Just s.e.n.d.s me over the edge! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I definitely agree... I think the act of sensual asphyxiation brings out an animal instict in the choker and the one being choked.. Then to hear your lover's voice in your ear saying dirty nothings while in the grip of the passion of the moment is just an incredible, spine-tingling, panty-soaking occurence I can barely put into words.


Ahem... Need I bring up the "Limo Incident"? Still waiting... and I am still +2 on you... Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
Yes! Yes! Yes! PPE... you keep reminding me of the record... DAMMIT man. lol... The ball is in your court!

And yes, I can remember many is the times my hands have strayed to an exposed throat while in primal embrace. Especially in Doggie, with her leaning into me and her head thrown back, a mirror to watch her as she peaks...

It is primeval, guttural and the show of ultimate possession. I control the very air you breathe. And something to be extremely careful with. As I do not have an RL plaything, P4P is the only place where I can experience this. And only as I have built an enormous amount of trust.

Find someone, build the trust and explore.

PPE Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
I think that is what makes the act of breath play/sensual asphyxiation so exciting... Its the thought of walking the thin line between life & death... too much & just enough... Its a delicate balance and indeed an act that should be enjoyed with extreme precautions. Whether its P4P or RL build the trust and explore all your kinkiest desires.

Maybe it's a Romeo and Juliet sort of infatuation... the thought of two star crossed lovers meeting their end together... maybe not...

I would like to investigate why it is so erogenous though.
Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
To be honest I had never thought of it that way.... Its a beautiful interpretation of such play.... Though if one were to think as Romeo & Juliet in the midst of such extreme play, I must admit, can see how some could take things too far.
I definitely agree... I think the act of sensual asphyxiation brings out an animal instict in the choker and the one being choked.. Then to hear your lover's voice in your ear saying dirty nothings while in the grip of the passion of the moment is just an incredible, spine-tingling, panty-soaking occurence I can barely put into words.................. Originally Posted by amazingasia
Damn! If I tried, I couldn't have said it better, hotter or wetter.............
Mmmmm, I think I Ohhhh, Um, Uh... Groan... Ohhhhh, AHHHH... GASP.....

Thanks Asia....
mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 03-17-2010, 09:05 PM
In a recent r/w relationship I was seeing a very sexually inexperienced and submissive woman but very open minded and adventurous. One night almost by accident I put one hand around the side of her neck while adjusting my position and she exploded, literally. We continued to explore this and she was totally into and admitted it gave her the most intense whole body orgasms.

Out dancing one night, we were playing a little on one of the couches, making out, rubbing, etc. it was pretty intense... more mental than physical. We hit the dance floor, I grabbed her neck and pulled her closer, grabbed her ass and kissed her. She lost it, when we got back to the couch she put my hand between her legs and she was drenched. It was very erotic.

I can't explain it, I'm not a dominate person as far as BDSM but being able to get someone to this level of pleasure is extremely pleasurable for me also.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I can't explain it, I'm not a dominate person as far as BDSM but being able to get someone to this level of pleasure is extremely pleasurable for me also. Originally Posted by mietk
Just a slight thread drift and a personal observation. The men that I have met that are natural dominant aren't usually aware that they're well, dominant. They just are. It's in their nature.

Most do not direct their dominate nature onto BDSM play and some do.

Sometimes, it takes a woman to bring out that side of their nature. Note, I typed dominant, not domineering. There's a difference.

And of course it would be pleasurable for you. It's having someone in your complete control. Plus it's on the edge of dangerous. Your situation sounds highly charged and VERY erotic.

Thanks for sharing!

EllaInAustin's Avatar
Dear Elisabeth,

I recently found myself with a lover just enjoying the most wonderful vanilla sex that I've had in a very long time. Trust me, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving woman! Smile.

While we were kissing and playing around, he gently was rubbing the side of my head and placed his hand under my chin. He was being masculine, that's all.

And then he slowly placed his one hand around my throat. And VERY gently squeezed. It wasn't choking but there was a pressure and I liked it.

Maybe too much. I felt completely submissive and was completely willing to offer him what might be the most delicate part of my body for him to touch and more. It was a moment in time.

And very lovely. You don't think that I was wrong to enjoy it so much, do you?

Love you,

There's no doubt that this is a very edgy and potentially dangerous activity when taken to a different level. And of course, to say the least, trust is paramount.

What are your thoughts about this activity and its variations?

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I, too, find this extremely exciting.

I've found that a nice, safe P4P variation of this is feeling the pressure of his hand spread across my upper chest just below my collar bone. I can look into his eyes, experience the satisfying weight of his touch and know that his hand is close, so close...
mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 03-18-2010, 10:38 PM
Just a slight thread drift and a personal observation. The men that I have met that are natural dominant aren't usually aware that they're well, dominate. They just are. It's in their nature.

Most do not direct their dominant nature onto BDSM play and some do.

Sometimes, it takes a woman to bring out that side of their nature. Note, I typed dominant, not domineering. There's a difference.

And of course it would be pleasurable for you. It's having someone in your complete control. Plus it's on the edge of dangerous. Your situation sounds highly charged and VERY erotic.

Thanks for sharing!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
That's an excellent point, I never thought of it like that, not at all. I guess it aligns better than I thought.

Thank you!
Rae Monroe's Avatar
As someone who does love all things kink I know that the most paramount thing of importance to this is that both parties understand and know how to do this correctly.

Too much pressure could cause death after all. I have had serious play and not so serious play with this and have had wonderful effects from it and horrible ones.

The bad ones are the ones that you remember.

Knowing how to do it, what bones are where and what not to push on is paramount as well as the way to do it.

Please play safe and always use caution when doing this because it is dangerous if not done properly.
As someone who does love all things kink I know that the most paramount thing of importance to this is that both parties understand and know how to do this correctly.

Too much pressure could cause death after all. I have had serious play and not so serious play with this and have had wonderful effects from it and horrible ones.

The bad ones are the ones that you remember.

Knowing how to do it, what bones are where and what not to push on is paramount as well as the way to do it.

Please play safe and always use caution when doing this because it is dangerous if not done properly. Originally Posted by Rae Monroe
+1 I agree... My first experience... actually where my love of sensual asphyxiation came from was a bad experience. However playing safely and learning "what is where" on the human body... I must admit have made my experiences very very very memorable & more than positive experiences.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Well, we see well it worked out for Kung Fu David Carradine.
Ezmerelda's Avatar
Elizabeth, my Mistress in Houston did this to me. i went so deep into subspace, i was high for what felt like hours. it was so beautiful, and one of the only times i have ever been in subspace btw.
MasterAlan1958's Avatar
I will put this in real SIMPLE terms for those of you who have the urge to play in this realm...........DON'T do it! PERIOD! and if someone tells you they are experienced in bdsm and they are advising breath play they are full of shit and you should run the other way, dont walk, run! I wont go into the chemical imbalances that can occur, or hypoxia, IRREVERSIBLE brain damage,etc.,etc., etc., Out of all the crap I see and read, when I see this I know that person is a wannabe and a player.THEIR IS NO SUCH THING AS SAFE BREATH PLAY! PERIOD!
For your edification try googling Jay Wiseman SM 101, Gloria Brahm "Differnt Loving", Miller & devon "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns", or simply search "hypoxia"
I realize this is a strong post, and it was meant to be, You get to go around on the merry-go-round of life ONE time, thats it folks, ONE time. Dont be stupid!
pss: as far as safe words go, try using the person's whole name,think about it, who forgets their name, no one, it's real easy to forget the word strawberry or whatever, but no one forgets their full name! just a word to those who will listen
I will put this in real SIMPLE terms for those of you who have the urge to play in this realm...........DON'T do it! PERIOD! and if someone tells you they are experienced in bdsm and they are advising breath play they are full of shit and you should run the other way, dont walk, run! I wont go into the chemical imbalances that can occur, or hypoxia, IRREVERSIBLE brain damage,etc.,etc., etc., Out of all the crap I see and read, when I see this I know that person is a wannabe and a player.THEIR IS NO SUCH THING AS SAFE BREATH PLAY! PERIOD!
For your edification try googling Jay Wiseman SM 101, Gloria Brahm "Differnt Loving", Miller & devon "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns", or simply search "hypoxia"
I realize this is a strong post, and it was meant to be, You get to go around on the merry-go-round of life ONE time, thats it folks, ONE time. Dont be stupid!
pss: as far as safe words go, try using the person's whole name,think about it, who forgets their name, no one, it's real easy to forget the word strawberry or whatever, but no one forgets their full name! just a word to those who will listen Originally Posted by MasterAlan1958
Along with knife/needle play, breath play is NOT on my p4p menu.

There is no doubt that it is very erotic (my opinion), but I believe the majority here have advocated building trust for this. Trust is not built immediately.

I know someone personally who experienced a stroke due to a well referenced, member of all the right organizations, fairly well known and well respected Dom who didn't just out his thumb in the wrong place but pressed too hard - for this one person. And that is all it took.

Do you have the medical training to immediately distinguish between a hard O and a "spasm?". Instances of bruised/broken esophagus are more common. There is a reason subs wear collars.

I don't say "No.". I say Caution.

Master Alan, you must be old school also?
MasterAlan1958's Avatar
in the health care field since the year of our lord 19 and 77 so yeah, im old school and I know what im talkn bout lol, and 10 yrs workin in the ER til I burned out and faded away!