providers aged 18 - 20 are being removed from eccie

Whispers's Avatar
and over 39 is the next group!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
and over 39 is the next group! Originally Posted by Whispers
Cougarlicious's Avatar
Why over 39? What does that mean? We too old lol?
cowboy8055's Avatar
Not a big deal. The 18-20 group is way overrated anyways.
dj8rocks's Avatar
I fully understand the new change in policy, it’s about site protection.

However, the 18-20 yo group are the ones that are becoming more at risk now due to this change. Risk of having to turn to whatever avenue they are able to, just to make ends meet. That age group is less equipped, both mentally and emotionally, to be able to support themselves in the Indy market. Thus, furthermore putting them at risk of being swept up by one of those Provider Instructional Management Professional’s.

I’m hoping that maybe some agencies will pick some of them up before they panick and grab ahold of the first available security blanket that comes their way. Just my thoughts
bangagong's Avatar
Just did a search for 18-20 year old on here. Still there
She might have lied to you? Could be older, they put the age in themselves.
I think this is a smart move by eccie. Think of it this way... If eccie makes the right changes and is able to survive as a result, it still remains as a resource for everyone. Even the girls who were dropped due to their age will still be able to interact somewhat and seek the advice of the more 'seasoned' ladies... And then once they are 21, they can come back to the fold. The alternative is to turn a blind eye and run the very real risk of losing everything for now AND in the future.
pyramider's Avatar
Never see anyone younger than your concert t shirts.
TinMan's Avatar
I’m in Vegas_Jen’s camp on this one. We finally have some idea of the direction Eccie wants to go with this thing if the bill get signed into law: stay with the mission, but strive to make the site less of a target. It is sad that legitimate independents under 21 won’t have this option to advertise, but if that is what it takes to survive this thing until the law is hopefully overturned in the courts...that sounds like the lesser of evils to me.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-31-2018, 11:00 AM
Why over 39? What does that mean? We too old lol? Originally Posted by Cougarlicious
It is basic Whispers speak.

If you are over 25 he thinks you should have to retire. Over 39 he probably believes you should be euthanized.

If you have more than 5% body fat, you should not be allowed to advertise.

If you are a woman, you should not be allowed to post.

And if you have a functioning brain he thinks you are the most dangerous of all and should be shot on site.

Do I exaggerate his point of view?
Only a little.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
and over 39 is the next group! Originally Posted by Whispers
thanks for a idea
"not to late for
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