IMPORTANT UPDATE: Protonmail.COM is NOT recommended. Change your accounts to the .CH or .ME Extension

lol @ .CH or .ME if that's gonna matter...

damn inbred hillbillies have a low iq
"Join my encrypted mailing list at"

So after your lecture on why not to use ".com" you invite everyone to join your mailing list at a .com address. That's funny. Originally Posted by tpepsi
Donkey of the day for sure
Samcro84's Avatar
lol @ .CH or .ME if that's gonna matter...

damn inbred hillbillies have a low iq Originally Posted by SanMarcosGuy
One can keep their mouth shut so everyone will not know if you an idiot or open it (or written words) then they know you are an idiot. Your comments aren't cute just dumb. San Marcos is in the Austin area you need to do all the negative posts up there.
tpepsi's Avatar
hush Sam no one asked u! hahaha.... I've seen you in person Sam and I must say I'm not impressed. Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII
Nailed it.
tpepsi's Avatar

Letting my Alpha side loose was pretty titillating.
Originally Posted by The Alpha

Anyone who has to claim they are alpha isn't actually an alpha. That's called a pretender.

Your rant merely showed how thin skinned you are and demonstrated your inability to respond without resorting to name calling and insults. That's childish behavior, not alpha. By the way, do your gay friends know that you think LGBT bashing is funny?

It's so easy to get in your head and take a walk around. I own you.

Samcro84's Avatar
^^ pot calling kettle black?
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
uh oh t-pepsi. Sam got you. What's your response? I'm grabbing my Dr. Pepper and popcorn
Apryl Reign's Avatar
Thanks for all of the useful info, Alpha. As a newbie, it is really helpful.

Please note that once your account is deleted, there is no way to recover or recreate it. We do not recycle usernames, which means the same username will be not available in the future.
If you want to delete your account and recreate it on your premium account, please click here.

Warning: you cannot delete your username in order to recreate it with different domain ( or Once an account is created, the domain cannot be changed. If you upgrade to premium plan, you can create the other domain as an alias.
Dr Grey's Avatar

Anyone who has to claim they are alpha isn't actually an alpha. That's called a pretender.

Your rant merely showed how thin skinned you are and demonstrated your inability to respond without resorting to name calling and insults. That's childish behavior, not alpha. By the way, do your gay friends know that you think LGBT bashing is funny?

It's so easy to get in your head and take a walk around. I own you.

Pwned! Originally Posted by tpepsi
Have you seen your avatar lately? Looks like I own you! Trannypepsi. I'm on your mind 24/7, you can't stop. You have to go out your way to derail threads just to try and say something full retard. And you want to talk LGBT bashing, LOL. But hey. If you're gonna call yourself alphas friend, not gonna stop ya. I see what you did there.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-31-2018, 05:27 PM
It appears a number of you are having trouble keeping the discussion focused on the topic of this thread. So, I have reminded you.

Stick to the topic, please.
Dr Grey's Avatar

Please note that once your account is deleted, there is no way to recover or recreate it. We do not recycle usernames, which means the same username will be not available in the future.
If you want to delete your account and recreate it on your premium account, please click here.

Warning: you cannot delete your username in order to recreate it with different domain ( or Once an account is created, the domain cannot be changed. If you upgrade to premium plan, you can create the other domain as an alias. Originally Posted by harbingerofcock
I emailed their support. They said they could help me delete mine and then they would hold that user name so I could make a .ch one. So it can be done. They told me there's really no difference in the level of security despite their post. I told them no big deal. Just created a second account with a ch extension.
Thanks Mr. Tex. It's been a while. I recall you prefer a shorter bit of time and I don't offer that much anymore. You're missed all the same.

Alpha..Always love spending time with you and thanks for the information..Good Stuff. Originally Posted by MrTex1959
I like that you liked my posts.

I just want to go on record as having "liked" several of The Alpha's posts.
Thank you for your help to the community, Alpha.

Originally Posted by HUMP!
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
The information u put out here Alpha is very informative. U certainly did ur research and I want u to know that i appreciate the hard work and effort u put in here. Oh and I'm coming to see u soon! U better eat ur wheaties!