.... And backpage is gone

Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
TO EVERYONE ELSE ... I apologize...i dont usually like to go that particular route... But i felt something needed to be said..have a great weekend to all and to all a goodnight..
Hopefully now ladies will realize we are in high demand again and raise their rates and stop being so cheap ����♀️ Originally Posted by MissJailaRose
lol, yes raise your rates when new people won't know you exist and customers that do are being hit up by every provider they know competing since new people won't know they exist either. Not trying to be a dick but if advertising were to disappear the customers get scare, not the providers.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar

#shes not even verified yet lmao

And wtf you tripping on us providers who are gfe or pse for what you think your better than somebody... Check the review board ......hmmm i dont see you .. You know why cus men like girls with i.o.p. and gfe at minimum..
And how does that latex taste in your mouth does it linger throughout the session??? I mean if they want a dick sucjed througg a condom they can do that at st.james for alot cheaper than what your asking for... So yes raise your rates hun please show us G.F.E AND P.S.E PROVIDERS with true I.O.P HOW ITS DONE CUS FROM OVER HERE EVEN YOUR BASIC DESCRIPTION ARE LACKING COMPARED TO ME AND THE GIRLS I KNOW ...

GTFOH Originally Posted by Lovelyxxxo
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-07-2018, 04:37 AM
I cant see why rates would go up when its harder to find sales. I think she only thinks guys from bp would try and move over to eccie and not the chicks. You're in for a world of hurt if them hoes show up with them rock bottom prices. They are almost all non gfe too.
Rates only go up for those that can command higher rates. The UTR mom with rent due who would take care of you for hours with all the GFE you can handle, then would make you lunch before she has to get the kids from school isn't raising her rates anytime soon. I even found that the UTR college students I've encountered here and there tend to take less if they know they have a sure thing (maybe that's just me.)

Providers are not drying up; desperation will lead more people to take less and give more to get it. And there are too many desperate providers both public and UTR for the rates to go up for everyone.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Oh and just so you know we are the same age you talk about tuition being paid i already have my associates in applied science and am a liscensed tattoo artist.. I finished all that by 22 your a little behind sweetheart..i dont need eccie i do this because i genuinly love what i provide a gfe experience but my REVIEWS AND REVIEWERS WILL TELL YOU THAT HUN... IM SORRY BUT IM NOT YOU WALK AROUND WITH A HOLIER THAN THOU ATTITUDE... fafsa applications are due sweety ( i didnt need i got a full ride)
Barbershoop's Avatar
Sad.. first eccie gets rid of the under 21 providers forcing them to either be on the streets or back page. Now backpage is gone. all that’s left IS the streets. Or to be thrown out with nowhere to go. Did anyone think of this!?
Thresh..comeon bro play nice...everyones beautiful in their own way... Originally Posted by Lovelyxxxo

Your right baby girl....... I Should have said, "easier to point out the UGLY ATTITUDE ugly girls.........."lol..

I'll make sure non of my fellow mongers ever goes to see JailaRose........

And wtf you tripping on us providers who are gfe or pse for what you think your better than somebody... Check the review board ......hmmm i dont see you .. You know why cus men like girls with i.o.p. and gfe at minimum..
And how does that latex taste in your mouth does it linger throughout the session??? I mean if they want a dick sucjed througg a condom they can do that at st.james for alot cheaper than what your asking for... So yes raise your rates hun please show us G.F.E AND P.S.E PROVIDERS with true I.O.P HOW ITS DONE CUS FROM OVER HERE EVEN YOUR BASIC DESCRIPTION ARE LACKING COMPARED TO ME AND THE GIRLS I KNOW ...

GTFOH Originally Posted by Lovelyxxxo

Tell her babe..... very well said.......

Lovelyxxxo's Avatar

ALL OTHER PROVIDERS no one is better or worse in my opionion from a human being standpoint. And i do apologize i let this newbie piss me off i know better. But im not just taking up for me im doing it for the collective as a whole. What you do is your prerogative and most of us ladies do this to spend more time with our families or this may be the alternative to sitting behind a desk for 12 to 18 bucks an hour some of us truly prefer it no one should act like they are any better when other
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Sad.. first eccie gets rid of the under 21 providers forcing them to either be on the streets or back page. Now backpage is gone. all that’s left IS the streets. Or to be thrown out with nowhere to go. Did anyone think of this!? Originally Posted by Barbershoop

I believe p4 allows 18 and up but shed have to get refrenced from someone already verified and on the site which with her attitude is unlikely when they see her comment
CandyStoreKid's Avatar
Hopefully now ladies will realize we are in high demand again and raise their rates and stop being so cheap ����♀️ Originally Posted by MissJailaRose
This sounds like a pimp?? Has anyone checked her for her pimp crown tat?
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Agent220's Avatar
...best advice I can give is to not tip your hand. Originally Posted by Agent220

This is what I mean by not tipping your hand.

For the record, I watch a monger on Twitter make the same comment saying from his perspective, "prices will be going down." What I witnessed next was nothing short of piranhas going after flesh. The providers came from coast to coast testing him a new butthole.