Sexy_Lena on indys Kaylee on EB is a thief with a gun

berryberry's Avatar
Why? So the mean ole boys can jump on them and call them names and make them feel less than because we made a decision to be a whore? Originally Posted by Gabrielle
And you are basing this on what?

If a provider makes a good, intelligent case I believe most of the guys here will respect that.

I think SexyMaid is well respected on these forums even when people disagree with her opinions

You alas seem to have some issues
berryberry's Avatar
I knew I wasn't the only one. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
C'mon Jinny - that is a cop out. And for the record, seems Himzert's story was accurate as the thieving provider was kicked off TOS

Many many ladies will not comment here atall' because of the Bros vs hos mentality of the board. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
That may be - but it really depends on how a lady acts here. For instance, how often did / do people attack you or Arya or Lexxy when you were often the only women posting here. Not often at all because of the way you act. Sure, you have the occasional ass speaking out on occasion but you have that anywhere.

The problem is when some ladies start to preach, attack, whine, etc. to guys and are surprised they get pushback. If they want to act like the female version of tatts, sorry, they deserve what they get.

All that said, I prefer that the vast majority of the discussion here is between bros. We have seen what a worthless drama infested situation TOS has become when it is the opposite

i think most of us guys come to this site to learn and exchange hofo. That is our main purpose. We don't want bad reviews or alerts to get into a he said she said pissing match like they do on TOS.
Gabrielle's Avatar
And you are basing this on what?

If a provider makes a good, intelligent case I believe most of the guys here will respect that. Originally Posted by berryberry
1. Who said most of the guys here do not respect the things I say? Just because the circle jerkers wanna be mean...does NOT mean that is most. LMAO! Mean ole boys circle jerkers are the minority here.

2. Please do list the "issues" I have? What, praytel, have I done, other than stand up to the misogynist circle jerkers who don't like whores?

3. Go back to the mean ole boys circle jerk..and hit the ignore Gabrielle button on the way. Don't forget to give me the free marketing by adding "currently ignoring Gabrielle" to your sig line like Josie Wales did.
berryberry's Avatar
1. Who said most of the guys here do not respect the things I say? Just because the circle jerkers wanna be mean...does NOT mean that is most. LMAO! Mean ole boys circle jerkers are the minority here.

2. Please do list the "issues" I have? What, praytel, have I done, other than stand up to the misogynist circle jerkers who don't like whores?

3. Go back to the mean ole boys circle jerk..and hit the ignore Gabrielle button on the way. Don't forget to give me the free marketing by adding "currently ignoring Gabrielle" to your sig line like Josie Wales did. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Typical Tattas like response.
Good job - Keep emulating Tattas
Gabrielle's Avatar
Typical Tattas like response.
Good job - Keep emulating Tattas Originally Posted by berryberry
I can feel the love berryberry! Pet names given to make me feel bad

True story...I have found that men who like to make women look inferior to themselves is usually due to SITS. (sucksinthesac syndrome) Don't fret...there is help! SITS can be cured...some of my favorite whores have amazing success stories!

Still waiting to hear my "issues" listed...will they be sometime tonight?
C'mon Jinny - that is a cop out. And for the record, seems Himzert's story was accurate as the thieving provider was kicked off TOS

That may be - but it really depends on how a lady acts here. For instance, how often did / do people attack you or Arya or Lexxy when you were often the only women posting here. Not often at all because of the way you act. Sure, you have the occasional ass speaking out on occasion but you have that anywhere.

The problem is when some ladies start to preach, attack, whine, etc. to guys and are surprised they get pushback. If they want to act like the female version of tatts, sorry, they deserve what they get.

All that said, I prefer that the vast majority of the discussion here is between bros. We have seen what a worthless drama infested situation TOS has become when it is the opposite

i think most of us guys come to this site to learn and exchange hofo. That is our main purpose. We don't want bad reviews or alerts to get into a he said she said pissing match like they do on TOS. Originally Posted by berryberry
When I said I wasn't the only one I meant that I wasn't the only one that other ladies reach out to because they don't want to post here.

I never said himzerts tale of woe was untrue.
Excuse the fuck out of me for my obtuse comment which was actually directed at a cpl people who wanted me to take a side.
I chose not to and my message was for them.

I do appreciate the fact that my comments are taken seriously by some and I have a modicum of respect here, I have worked long and hard to maintain a sense of respect and discretion for others.
And I don't appreciate phonies any more than any of you do.

By the way, I was contacted by Clint Eastwood the other day.
It seemed like you were trying to discount his claims. And yes, in a lot of situations it is he said she said and no one other than those present really know the truth. But based on what has been posted on TOS that does not seem to be the case here. So why would these other lady's want to discount a hobbyists warning to others?

If they have proof it is false, they should provide it. Otherwise, people should thank Himzert for keeping others safe.

After all, it is incidents like these that give hobbyists pause about seeing even good providers. I would think a good provider wants to get rid of the thiefs and other bad apples from the hobby just like hobbyists do Originally Posted by berryberry
I'm didn't take what she wrote in a similar fashion.

None of us were there. He's told his version, she's told her version. Given both and knowing neither, I'm slightly inclined to believe his version. I was more inclined to believe his version, but devolving the entire escapade into the depths of "drama volume in the back of 3rd period high school French I" didn't help.

But hers is not an unreasonable position to take. I freely admit that my take on the situation partially stems from the fact that I'm on "my" side of the hobby and given two seconds of thought it's not difficult to see where someone on the other side might either form a "don't think either of them are credible enough to make a call" or "he totally made that shit up" thought, respectively.

Frankly, I think that if you read it with the subtlety SM tends to write with, it probably makes more sense. But I think what's more important is her record of carrying herself on the boards and (to the extent one knows) in the hobby. You don't have to agree with her take to find it reasonable. (in full disclosure, SM and I have broken bread a time or two, but never a bed. I don't necessarily agree with her on everything, but I think she's significantly more thoughtful and significantly less adversarial just for the purpose of being loud than most people here on either side of the aisle).

And lord knows, we've got all manner of unreasonable takes here of late with which to compare and contrast. It also assumes that there ought to be more credence lent to his story that hers merely on the "bro versus ho" basis. That's a sucker's game, friends.
berryberry's Avatar
When I said I wasn't the only one I meant that I wasn't the only one that other ladies reach out to because they don't want to post here.

I never said himzerts tale of woe was untrue.
Excuse the fuck out of me for my obtuse comment which was actually directed at a cpl people who wanted me to take a side.
I chose not to and my message was for them.

I do appreciate the fact that my comments are taken seriously by some and I have a modicum of respect here, I have worked long and hard to maintain a sense of respect and discretion for others.
And I don't appreciate phonies any more than any of you do.

By the way, I was contacted by Clint Eastwood the other day.
LMAO Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Thanks for the clarification. Sorry if I read your comments a different way. That is just how they came across to me
bambino's Avatar
When I said I wasn't the only one I meant that I wasn't the only one that other ladies reach out to because they don't want to post here.

I never said himzerts tale of woe was untrue.
Excuse the fuck out of me for my obtuse comment which was actually directed at a cpl people who wanted me to take a side.
I chose not to and my message was for them.

I do appreciate the fact that my comments are taken seriously by some and I have a modicum of respect here, I have worked long and hard to maintain a sense of respect and discretion for others.
And I don't appreciate phonies any more than any of you do.

By the way, I was contacted by Clint Eastwood the other day.
LMAO Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Fuckin Clint
berryberry's Avatar

Frankly, I think that if you read it with the subtlety SM tends to write with, it probably makes more sense. But I think what's more important is her record of carrying herself on the boards and (to the extent one knows) in the hobby. You don't have to agree with her take to find it reasonable. (in full disclosure, SM and I have broken bread a time or two, but never a bed. I don't necessarily agree with her on everything, but I think she's significantly more thoughtful and significantly less adversarial just for the purpose of being loud than most people here on either side of the aisle).
Originally Posted by tannana
I think SM knows I respect her and her comments on this board. We may not always agree but she is typically thoughtful and insightful in her approach.

I just happen to believe if someone wants to make a comment or chime in, they should do so personally rather than have someone else do their bidding. That was my main point which probably got lost
berryberry's Avatar
I can feel the love berryberry! Pet names given to make me feel bad

True story...I have found that men who like to make women look inferior to themselves is usually due to SITS. (sucksinthesac syndrome) Don't fret...there is help! SITS can be cured...some of my favorite whores have amazing success stories!

Still waiting to hear my "issues" listed...will they be sometime tonight? Originally Posted by Gabrielle
You obviously have a poor memory since I listed a number of your issues previously. But since you can't remember things from day to day, well here you go:

Let's see - tatts

1. Tried to turn many threads into all about himself
2. Posted silly polls most gave two shits about
3. Argued with and insulted others
4. Was banned from TOS
5. Needlessly stirred up drama
6. Tried to act innocent here when called out
7. Is a chronic and abject liar

All those issues fit you perfectly. I am sure others could add more.
Gabrielle's Avatar
1. Tried to turn many threads into all about himself
Jealous much?

2. Posted silly polls most gave two shits about
You are not fact you are the minority...there are maybe what, a half dozen in the Pgh Circle Jerkers? If nobodycares, would they be voting?

3. Argued with and insulted others
Awww...has this whore hurt your feelings? I don't argue with most...only the mean ole boys circle jerkers who think so poorly of whores.

4. Was banned from TOS
Hmmm...well let's see TOS is being run by whom again? Please remind me?
Oh and yeah, I was banned cause I suggested PI was Ausse. I'm sure even you can do that math berryberry.

5. Needlessly stirred up drama
Sorry the circle jerkers don't like women to have an opinion. You got a little bambini on your chin. How's that for some drama?

6. Tried to act innocent here when called out
Act innocent? I'm pretty sure I mentioned in a thread somewhere that I have added BITCH to my business card? Or did ya miss that? The mean ole boys club likes to talk poorly about whores...
so why ya on a whore board?
SA is a-callin! Buh-bye

7. Is a chronic and abject liar Oh please...pretty fucking please provide your proof?!?
Originally Posted by berryberry
Next unfounded accusations by the mean ole boys club?
berryberry's Avatar
LOL, look at the above post

Yep - the female version of Tattas indeed
A churlish calumniator

It is almost sad watching a train wreck in process.

Gabrielle's Avatar
So when you've got nothing you resort to name calling.
Great, noted!
When berryberry has run out of valid comments, he resorts to name calling.
Is that about right berryberry? Am I close?

Still waiting on that proof?
bambino's Avatar
So when you've got nothing you resort to name calling.
Great, noted!
When berryberry has run out of valid comments, he resorts to name calling.
Is that about right berryberry? Am I close?

Still waiting on that proof? Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Aren’t you the one who called Stig “kinda gross”?