They feel the same way now as they did two years ago.Wow! Got anything to corroborate that, or is it just a hunch?
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Voters Care About the Economy and Immigration, Not Media Drama
President Donald Trump listens during a phone conversation with Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto on trade in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C., on August 27, 2018. (Mandel
Democrats and left wing pundits from The New York Times to CNN can spend the entire day talking about Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, or how offended they are by which flags are flying at half-mast and which ones aren’t. Here in the middle of America nobody cares. Trust me; in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Wisconsin all of the blathering is not moving the needle one bit. Most of those living in the middle tuned out a long time ago.
There are only two things voters living in the middle care about. They care about the economy and they care about immigration. Remember these are the same people that carried Donald Trump to victory in November 2016 and those are the very same things they cared about then.
While CNN was refusing to issue a correction about a major failure covering Michael Cohen and spending hours on whether or not President Trump is a bad guy for not issuing a timely statement on the death of Senator John McCain, Trump’s Administration was finishing the initial phases of a trade deal with Mexico to replace the 24-year-old NAFTA deal.
Guess which one the working people in the Midwest actually care about?
NBC Nightly News also missed the breaking news on the Mexican trade deal too it appeared. The once proud peacock strutted around focusing on President Trump raising flags on The White House to full staff before McCain has been buried. Was the president’s behavior bad form? Yes. Should he have done better and been more gracious at the death of a sitting Senator even though he’s been a bitter rival with the president? Yes. And honestly that is where the story ends for those in the center of the country. I’m sorry but they really don’t care that much about such things.
The new deal with Mexico that came complete with the Mexican president being put on speakerphone by Trump to talk about the deal is what hard working Americans actually care about.
People are not going to work today in Eau Claire or Bad Axe or Allentown wondering if Michael Cohen may have the goods on Donald Trump meeting with the Russians. We know he doesn’t of course now that Lanny Davis has admitted to making it up and being an anonymous source for numerous news outlets to spread the false story. But either way, the people that abandoned the Democrats and Hillary Clinton in 2016 to vote for President Trump really don’t care. Really.
Let me tell what else they don’t care about.
They don’t care if Paul Manafort paid his taxes. They don’t care if Donald Trump shows his. They don’t care about tearing down Confederate statues in the city park or screaming obscenities at the police. They don’t care about Global Warming or much of anything Al Gore has to say. They don’t care about social justice warriors, environmental justice warriors, and they certainly don’t care about man-buns. They don’t care what vulgarities Robert De Niro spews about Trump or about them for voting for him. They don’t care about Hollywood in general and don’t consider Rosie O’Donnell, Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Jennifer Lawrence, Lena Dunham, Mark Cuban or a hoard of other media types to be political experts. In fact most don’t consider those that play make believe for a living reliable sources for much of anything.
They also don’t care about Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, or anyone else the president may or may not have had affairs with. It just doesn’t matter to them because they have bigger concerns.
What these people do care about are their families and their futures. They are focused on an improving economy with booming numbers of job openings, improving wages on Main Street and big returns on Wall Street.
They care about their kids and don’t want their families torn apart like Mollie Tibbitts' family in Iowa. Tibbitts was allegedly brutally hunted down and murdered by a 24-year-old illegal alien from Mexico. They can identify with the horror of the killing and reject ideas about open borders and so-called sanctuary cities.
They don’t buy what far left midway hawkers are selling. They believe in America and her greatness.
They believe in the rule of law and like the majority of Americans they don’t think disbanding ICE is a good idea. They also support local law enforcement and don’t believe most police officers are racist or the enemy. They still believe police officers are the good guys.
In fact they think Americans are the good guys and are sick and tired of hearing people on the left tearing us down every day.
Trust me, the November Election comes down to just two things; the economy and immigration. Period.
Bank on it!
Just for you yssup and oh yea bamOriginally Posted by Hotrod511
Bill Clinton committed perjury.While he was holding the office of POTUS. Since he was not "convicted" a judicial determination of whether or not the "perjury" involved the duties and obligations of his office was not necessary. IMO the subject matter of the testimony he gave dealt with matters that occurred prior to him holding the office, so IMO it did not fall under the Constitutional standards to be sustained or upheld.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
While he was holding the office of POTUS. Since he was not "convicted" a judicial determination of whether or not the "perjury" involved the duties and obligations of his office was not necessary. IMO the subject matter of the testimony he gave dealt with matters that occurred prior to him holding the office, so IMO it did not fall under the Constitutional standards to be sustained or upheld.You disagree with the members of the House of Representatives who voted for impeachment. Fine by me.
I will repeat my statement. I thought the attempt to kick him out of office was wrong based on the allegations. And I expressed that opinion at the time. I was disgusted with his lying, and also have expressed that repeatedly, along with his sorry wife's explanation the early days on the "morning shows" ... of the "Great Right Wing Conspiracy" ... I suppose "collusion" wasn't "fashionable" back then. Originally Posted by LexusLover
This is spot on. Ordinary Americans want to put food on the table for their families by having good jobs and live in a safe place they can call home. Don't worry - Trump got this.No it won't. It will also come down to whether or not people in this country want a man with the character of Trump as POTUS. You say yes. I say no. We'll know the answer in a little over 2 months.
Trust me, the November Election comes down to just two things; the economy and immigration. Period.
Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ummmmmmm Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
No it won't. It will also come down to whether or not people in this country want a man with the character of Trump as POTUS. You say yes. I say no. We'll know the answer in a little over 2 months.yes and I remember Hillary was going to win in a landslide what's your point the polls were wrong Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
yes and I remember Hillary was going to win in a landslide what's your point the polls were wrong Originally Posted by Hotrod511No poll ever had Clinton winning in a landslide. Of course, it depends on how you define "landslide". Some think Trump won in a landslide.
No its a fact of human nature. Voters are getting tired of the troublemakers. It's getting plain to see the Democratic party isn't good at problem solving.Please elaborate.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin