Their sons have a 0.00321% chance of being falsely accused of rape. In comparison, your chance of being struck by lightening is slightly higher at 0.0083%
A Republicans daughter has a 25% chance of being sexually assaulted sometime in her life.
Only 1/3 of sexual abuse is actually reported. Attitudes like the one you and your fellow Trump supporters have displayed towards Ford are a prime example as to why that number is so low.
Hope y'all feel real proud of yourselves.
Originally Posted by Little Monster
1) Uh huh. You know that the majority of men that the Innocence Project frees of wrongful conviction were accused of rape, right? Not to mention the mere accusation of sexual misconduct, with zero evidence, is enough to ruin a man's life. You're a good example.
2) Only the Republican's then? What about all the many women assaulted by Bill Clinton? Note that Juanita Broderick can recall exactly what happened to her without having to scrub her social media, lie about being afraid of flying, or hide behind vocal fry. Is he too far back for you? Keith Ellison is an abusive monster and the democratic party is supporting him. When it's one of theirs they want evidence.
3) If only 1/3 of rapes are reported how do you know the supposed 2/3rds actually occurred? It's a ridiculous statement. You know how I know you're just making up statistics? Because the actual claim is only 1 in 10 is reported to law enforcement. It sounds worse until you look at the criteria of the study that resulted in that number. The tenth that is reported comes from the number of incidents of rape
investigated by local law enforcement as reported to the FBI. The other number, that supposedly there are ten times as many, comes from a study with different criteria.
The FBI criteria is any forcible penetration. The study that provides these numbers was done on a college campus and included criteria that allowed for mutually consensual sex while both parties are intoxicated to be counted as a rape. A girl is asked on a date and turns it down? Rape. A girl saw a guy make a pass at a woman who didn't mind it? Rape. I'm not making this up. How do you think they came up with the 1 in 4 number for college campuses came about? That would mean a girl is more likely to be raped on a western college campus than in the Congo during a civil war.
Ford got a lot of shit because she was absolutely the worst kind of false accuser. We had a girl in the army who would literally accuse any male NCO in charge of her with sexual harassment as soon as he told her to do something. She did it to five people and her boyfriend before they wised up and kicked her out. Ford is worse because it was a pure political ploy to stall until the Dems hopefully take congress during the midterms. Why else did Feinstein sit on the letter for months until the right moment for a hail mary? Why did Ford scrub her social media that was later revealed to show evidence that she was a hyper partisan zealot? Why did she fucking stall with that "fear of flying" lie when she'd traveled all the time for work and pleasure? Worst of all why the ever loving fuck is a tenured professor of CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY citing a POLYGRAPH as proof of credibility? They're not admissible in court for a reason.
It was an absolutely transparent hatchet job. I won't make the same argument most would make about "I know actual rape victims who are pissed about it" even though I do. I know a psychiatrist who finally decided to #WalkAway because of this. She was absolutely floored by the polygraph comment. I guess I should be thankful for people like Ford and people like you. The masks are coming off and the moderates that make up my social circle are looking around and not liking what they see.