Question for our esteemed Mod

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I asked a specific question. Because of the differing nature of each Moderator from forum to forum. I thought it prudent to get a clarification. Originally Posted by WTF
Asked and answered...
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 05:40 PM
Asked and answered... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Well I agree with half of that and frankly if I count a nonanswer as an answer, I could agree with the whole summation. But I don't count a evasive answer as an answer, it is just evasion.

So we agree and we can agree to disagree about your nonanswer.
No reason to be so obtuse says Andy Dupree

That is in direct conflict with many of the guidelines that you helped me find.

This is not criticism just a constructive nudge towards forum harmony Originally Posted by WTF
First it's Andy Dufresne.

And I'm calling BS on you never knowing about the guidelines, because I guarantee you've been accused of violating the majority of them, LOL.

The policy on signature lines does not vary by moderator.
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 06:03 PM
Guideline #23 is very ambiguous.

It seems to give one the permission to be able to express the person they are.

I would argue that with the new tightened rules or re-emphasized civility towards other posters, disparaging remarks towards other posters would not be tolerated under the guise of expressing oneself.

There are currently two posters that seem to feel the need to have my handle in their sig line. Ine basically just says I'm on his ignore list. Seems harmless enough. The other is basically calling me American Taliban....which is a terrorist group. That seems to be skirting the rules or the spirit of the civility rules.

Hopefully you will reconsider you nonanswer or take my question higher up the chain of command to see why this is allowed, if in fact it is.

It does not seem to be in step with St Chris ipdated mission statement for members to be more civil towards each other.

Thank you
First it's Andy Dufresne.

And I'm calling BS on you never knowing about the guidelines, because I guarantee you've been accused of violating the majority of them, LOL.

The policy on signature lines does not vary by moderator. Originally Posted by B Three
You have to remember that our beloved WTF is a former student of Cougar High, hence the constant problems with grammar and spelling. For that simple reason I take pity upon him.

He was asking the moderator questions for which he already knew the answer so he could attempt to cover for his subtle little jabs at our esteemed moderator, who is doing a great job, BTW.
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 06:12 PM
First it's Andy Dufresne.

And I'm calling BS on you never knowing about the guidelines, because I guarantee you've been accused of violating the majority of them, LOL.
. Originally Posted by B Three
Thank you for the correction. Glad you were bright enough to get the connection. Was it obtuse , Shawshank Redemption or the combination. I thought about leaving the title of the movie out....that just made it too easy.

I never said I never knew about the guidelines, I just didn't know where they were. It is not something the average member looks at every day unless they are trying to be cute and circumvent them. Imho

So just which ones have I been accused of violating. Care to share or is that one of those unsubstantiated accusations?
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 06:29 PM

The policy on signature lines does not vary by moderator. Originally Posted by B Three
My question, which I seem to be getting many non answers or answer to a question folks seem to think I have asked but not my main question.

Can one use their sig line to group others into say a terrorist group?

Can I say you are part of ISIS or the KKK or the Taliban in my sig line?

That seems to go aganist the laws of civility. Be like burning a cross in ones yard and meeting them at their door with a bucket of gasoline all the while saying "Bless your heart" when you asked them wtf they are doing.

So this is my real question to any Mod that would care to answer. Is that ok to do? If not why is it being allowed, if so, ok and thank you for any reply that may clear up this situation.
Unfortunately (blessing in disguise), since I became a Mod, I can't see Sig lines. It's actually nice from an aesthetic standpoint.
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 06:37 PM

He was asking the moderator questions for which he already knew the answer so he could attempt to cover for his subtle little jabs at our esteemed moderator, who is doing a great job, BTW. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Actually that is incorrect.

I would like a poster to remove from his sig line, disparaging remarks to myself and other posters. Nothing more or less.

If you read something more into it, it may have to do with your upbringing. Were you radicalized as a youngster?
It depends if one is in fact a member of ISIS or the KKK or the Taliban. If I am not it's libel and you could probably ask for it do be removed or threaten to file the civil case styled:



Franky Fuxalot Foe

But you would lose if he proved you were a member of said group(s), because truth is an absolute defense.

But if he merely states his opinion, you're mostly out of luck.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 06:42 PM
Unfortunately (blessing in disguise), since I became a Mod, I can't see Sig lines. It's actually nice from an aesthetic standpoint. Originally Posted by B Three
While I appreciate that bit of does nothing in ways of answering my question.

Is it ok to disparageother posters in your sig line?

Can I put in my sig line something negative about a particular poster?

That really seems like it goes aganist the grain of civility.

Hopefully you or some other Mod can give me a straight anseer to what to me, seems like a simple question.
I have homework to do, so let me just put you out of your misery since you have shown me kindness in the past. Plus you asked for any Mod, so I am not stepping on wakeup's toes.

Signature Lines are considered a unique and personal form of expression here and are not generally moderated (thank god, since I can't see them), with the caveat being that nuclear and clearly forbidden topics can't be included for what should be obvious reasons. No outing, No drugs, No kids, No threats, etc.
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 06:46 PM
It depends if one is in fact a member of ISIS or the KKK or the Taliban. If I am not it's libel and you could probably ask for it do be removed or threaten to file the civil case styled:



Franky Fuxalot Foe

But you would lose if he proved you were a member of said group(s), because truth is an absolute defense.

But if he merely states his opinion, you're mostly out of luck. Originally Posted by B Three
I'm asking what eccie guidelines are. It says nothing about not posting negative things about particular posters....but that is aganist the rules in the forums.

Which seems like a glitch in the guidelines.
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 06:50 PM
I have homework to do, so let me just put you out of your misery since you have shown me kindness in the past. Plus you asked for any Mod, so I am not stepping on wakeup's toes.

Signature Lines are considered a unique and personal form of expression here and are not generally moderated (thank god, since I can't see them), with the caveat being that nuclear and clearly forbidden topics can't be included for what should be obvious reasons. No outing, No drugs, No kids, No threats, etc. Originally Posted by B Three
Thank you very much...

It then appears to be a glitch in the system where you can not post ugly thing about another poster, except in your sig line, which then post something ugly about that poster every time one posts!

Thank you for your time, it was greatly appreciated.
Actually that is incorrect.

I would like a poster to remove from his sig line, disparaging remarks yself and other posters. Nothing more or less.

If you read something more into it, it may have to do with your upbringing. Were you radicalized as a youngster? Originally Posted by WTF
I was in fact radicalized as a youngster - but I was taught to show the utmost respect for moderators, ironically enough.

It is poor people who do not pay for their families that I was radicalized against. Bums need to take care of their shit!!