keith olberman rocks. and rachel maddow too. and john stewart and stephen colbert. john stewart is one of the few that will actually invite people with completely opposite views and engage them in a civil intelligent discussion of the issues, unlike blowhards like bill oreilly who just berates and belittles those with opposing views. stewart btw had had oreilly on his show several times, and treats him far better than oreilly does those on his show.
and seriously...does GB actually do any 'fact checking'?
Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
I would also add Bill Maher to your list. He almost always has a strong Republican on his panel and he is not hesitant to criticize Democrats, including Obama. Bill Maher represents my position quite well. Not a Republican and not a Democrat, and not afraid to call out stupidity or weakness on either side of the fence.
To me, both sides are guilty of attack politics, but I observe that the left wages a far more intellectual campaign than the right.
Edit: I think Bill O'Reilly is the smartest pundit on the right. I listen to what he has to say because he's a smart guy and he doesn't say stupid things like Beck and Limbaugh do. He doesn't call Obama a Muslim and he doesn't use stupid Hitler analogies. O'Reilly's message is clearly tailored to appeal to a right-wing crowd for ratings purposes, but his points between the lines are worth paying attention to, in my opinion. The right wing media needs more smart guys like Bill O'Reilly and fewer nutjobs like Beck and Limbaugh.