Pre-screening / Clients feeling rejected / Why you keep getting ignored / Being a good person (Helpful post !!!) Please read

Jasmine Starr's Avatar
This morning I seen a guy say when he doesn't get a response he takes it as a "no" or as rejection.. I made a very insightful comment and I want to share it:

"Us not responding doesn't always mean "no".. Sometimes we are working and the breaks in between appointments, we just try to relax and restore ourselves/our energy. A lot goes into this job.. With actually seeing people, showering, make-up, hair, taking a moment to ourselves, answering emails, screening, some have other jobs, school work, maybe a child. Before I see someone, I have to hype myself up lol & for me, personally, I take time to relax because at the end of the day I'm a woman and I have to be ready for all the possibilities that could happen when I let a dude into my personal space...

But I am definitely ignoring someone who is not sending me a well-said introduction. We don't know how to respond to "Hey, Hi,Can I see you?, Babe?" it also makes me uncomfortable when I don't respond when someone thinks I should... and they send me hella aggressive "??" "??????" "U there?"... it just makes you seem pushy.

But if you hit me up, and you sound cool and not asking a bunch of weird questions.. Then, I am not saying "no"... And it's a cool way to reach out to someone again.. as long as the message shows me that your a respectful human or at least you're trying to be one, or faking it til you make it, effort is recognized and so it's not a "no".. It's cool to hit me up again.

Imagine someone walking up to you on a sidewalk, look you dead in the eye, and said "Hi" and just not breaking the eye contact... it would make you feel uncomfortable.

Well damn, this is getting long lol... basically I'm just saying it's not humanly possible to answer it all, sometimes it's just really poppin in my inbox or text messages but I'm only one person. I also have things going for me outside of this work, a personal life, and being 24..

It's not personal when we don't respond. But we are all human and we all need a break from having to answer to someone.. "

If you would like to see me, it would be a good idea to "pre-screen".. basically let me screen you now so I can save you as a contact so that arranging an appointment is easier for you.

My regulars can tell yall.. Once I meet you, and your cool... it's never a problem when it comes to visiting me again. I cater to my regulars first. But they know, if they want to see me that day, I tell them to text me in the morning (8AM-11AM) so that I can put myself together. My appearance is important to me. In no case, will I be able to accommodate someone who gives me less that 2 hours notice..

Another thing I want to point out.. sometimes appointments are cancelled by girls bc of emergencies.. but also, sometimes they get cancelled bc of us not feeling well enough to perform. Us meeting strangers can fuck with our anxiety. That's not happening every day for us.. But sometimes its the case. We are not machines.

Most importantly... we are not required to service you. Our body, our choice. a lot of the comments made here bc someone wont see you.. it comes off as creepy and makes some of you seem like predators. No offense. OUR BODY, OUR CHOICE.

Many of you should think about this.. a lot of us girls do not come from a broken place. We don't all have "daddy issues". Many of us had a 2 parent household, a healthy upbringing, college education, and received everything we needed. My point is, we could be your daughter, sister, or mom. So treat us like humans.

My goal this year as a companion is to help the community.
Originally Posted by TiffanyDash
65wolf's Avatar
Thank you for posting this. It should be common sense but it’s good to reflect on. Originally Posted by Aweshucks
Since Common Sense isn't very common, this message is a good reminder.
Thanks TD.
Sign me up for the pre screening Tiffo fasho. You make my dick get hard like I was 19 again just looking at your foooking Avatar. I for one was one who shot you a DM on a horny evening and got no response but in not as moody as others. I spent 3 dollars on some great Vaseline and xvideo and had a decent evening but would still like to see you eventually. Tooodlez.....