I think the judge should release her on Thursday, on as long a probation as possible, and as terms of her probation, I'd require no alcohol or drugs (except by prescription). I'd also require both a drug and alcohol evaluation, with the requirement that she follow all recommendations of her treatment provider. I'd also require a mental health evaluation, again with the requirement that she follow all recommendations.
No going to bars. No association with people of disrepute (except her lawyers). Random UA's. She would not be allowed to be alone with anyone under 16 years old.
Run the counts consecutive so the judge has a little leverage, about a year or so he can put her away for if she screws up.
Maximum fines.
The judge does not have jurisdiction over her much longer, so I would make sure she knows she is being watched and monitored, and if she so much as spits on the sidewalk, or farts in public, she's going away for at least a year.
IMHO, anyway.