Sending private pictures

Let’s not flatter ourselves too much people. Of course the lady must give consent to having a picture and or video taken. I wholeheartedly support the ladies on this issue but this is not what the OP has cited and I’m pretty sure 1-2 body pics for verification is not making its way to porn hub anytime soon. It’s a pic to verify your body, plain and simple. I could easily call out several providers that use 5,10 and even 20 year old pics and they are the bad apples that spoiled the fun for everyone.

Honestly it is very disturbing to meet a provider that uses old pics or pics that are not even her. I’ve politely told them I’m not interested only to have them cuss me and demand a “cancellation fee”. Originally Posted by FunMonday
I agree a 100% with your post. I still remember meeting Bi Bi Butterfly and thinking that her showcase pics must be at least 10 years old! Very disturbing and disappointing.
Here are three reasons why:
• Safety and Privacy
• Copyright
• Reverse Bait and Switch
o Yes, we get baited too.
Lots of guys will want to take our time, sexting and phone convo all the time promising to schedule an appointment.
But then, after he gets his rocks off at arms length …. Never books.
If pics were sent then all the worse.

AG, once again you’ve tickled me with your savvy ;-)
…… the ladies advertise how they see fit and share what they are comfortable with for their own safety. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
Yes, Most Johns should (and do) actually respect this as it says more about the ladies self-pride/preservation and intellect.
…… Some are so desperate for business they'll do anything and they eventually regret it. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
Unfortunately so. Hopefully they will find a better way to conduct their business or eventually they will get used up way to quickly.
…… Some guys prefer to have these pics and save pics from the showcases for their own "Spank Bank". Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
Now THIS is a great quote!
Bottom line …. Why should I give you something you can spank off to rather than dream about our next encounter …. Which leads to another booking. Just smart Biz.

My response is send me my hr$ ill send a new pic.. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Right on LBG!
If I give you something to spank off to …. Then you should pay for the pop.

….. Those of us with a few years and over 100 reviews... well, the knowledge is out there. All one has to do is seek it out. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Bam…yes! If you read our reviews …. And they say pics are accurate …. Why insist on your own personal pics?

….and then guys who are time-wasters and/or masturbation material collectors. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Ditto PMD - Glad to know you are of the same opinion as stated above.

Most important to me is ….. my RW life cannot in any way reflect this hobby world. I don’t care if it is the freckle on my ass …. Or what is seen in the background. Just not gonna do it.
Let’s face it. Women lie about their age. 34 might be 40. 54 might be 60. You might still be extremely attractive but we don’t know for sure. Reviews can often be misleading as well.

Wouldn’t a happy middle ground be at least one new pic added to the showcase per month? Not much to debate on such a simple request.

I agree that some dick slingers will waste time asking for pics but by the same token what better way to get him excited to schedule a session. I think the topic is too complex to debate in one thread but it’s also a cultural thing. Many ebony, mixed and Latina and a few white women are flattered that we lust after their pics. It’s a huge ego boost for them to know men Jack off to their pics and many of these women follow up to schedule sessions. No session. No more pics! Move on. For some reason many white women find the request to be overly burdensome. Imagine that.

Even for all those I just offended surely we can agree on one or two new pics in a freaking showcase.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
@Torre Tames ,,
Our time is valuable = $ I feel asking for pics he's just a TW & will never book
@Torre Tames ,,
Our time is valuable = $ I feel asking for pics he's just a TW & will never book Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Our time is also valuable. Time is in fsct money and we don’t like to waste it fraudulent representations. Again. Why not at least one updated pic in the showcase?
Grace Preston's Avatar
Not sure why you're arguing the point with Gina.. she posts new pics all the time.
two things i’ve learned in over 20yrs of cavorting w/ adult sex workers ...
a) there are no absolutes except ...
b) things change. Originally Posted by pmdelites
pmdelites's Avatar
a variation on my prev comment.

providers choose which photos/images they will put in showcase/websites and which they will send to prospective and/or return clients!

clients can ask but cannot tell a provider to share pics, to charge a specific fee, to participate in specific activities, to have her incall in a soecific area or place, etc. AND expect her to do that (unless she doesnt know any better and/or is gullible or ...)

well, they can tell her. but they shouldnt be surprised if the provider quits communicating w/ them or gives them double barrels of harsh and degrading language.

men ask, women decide. it’s been that way for a lonnnnnnnng time. (exception is when the man forces/coerces her to do so - which i dont consider a straightforward/ respectful interaction)

now, if a guy cannot get recent pics but decides to go see her anyway ...
and she doesnt look anything like her pics (kind of a “bait & switch”),
then i suggest he turn around and leave (up to him if he wants to leave a 20 or so, no matter what she requests/asks for/demands).
i also suggest that he share that info here on eccie or on ourhome2 or wherever so others might learn AND apply from his experience.

that’s the leverage clients have - share their deliteful or way-less-than-deliteful experiences w/ others,

hope you all have deliteful consultations w/ or w/out sharing pics.
pmdelites's Avatar
On the contrary...

All you have to do is take one, non-nude/regular picture a day with a dated sign or newspaper. Could increase business sevenfold. Originally Posted by SundarP
put yourself in a provider’s shoes - would you want some client telling you HOW you should run your business?

suggest to her? yes.
tell her? no.

Even for all those I just offended surely we can agree on one or two new pics in a freaking showcase. Originally Posted by FunMonday
well, maybe us guys could agree to that and even suggest that, but it’s the provider’s decision.
now if you wanna put yourself in a provider’s lingerie or fishnet body stocking or clothes, that’s a different situation :^}
pmdelites's Avatar
It’s a pic to verify your body, plain and simple.

I could easily call out several providers that use 5,10 and even 20 year old pics and they are the bad apples that spoiled the fun for everyone.

Honestly it is very disturbing to meet a provider that uses old pics or pics that are not even her. I’ve politely told them I’m not interested only to have them cuss me and demand a “cancellation fee”.
... Originally Posted by FunMonday
as i said above, a guy can ask for a verification pic ... or any pics. the provider has the right to send or not send a pic. just like she has the right to charge what she wants, see who she wants, perform whatever activities she wants. he has no right to tell her how to run her business.

sometimes, the client & the provider meet eye-to-eye; sometimes they dont.
the client, in my hobby opinion, can not like her decision and can even bitch/rant about it. but it is HER decision.

and as i said above, if, when the client meets the provider, he believes/determines that she’s “baited & switched” him (cos of old or mistepresenting pics), then he can leave and then share that info (in coed or men’s private spaces).
just like he can share any positive experience he had (reviews or men’s private spaces).
pmdelites's Avatar
final post before i go to sleepyland.

how a provider runs her business is her decision (even if she decides to work for a pimp or manager).
us clients may not like how she does so, may even suggest she do it differently.

so, unless we control her life & business, it is her decision and is not up for debate.

let’s respect each other’s decisions and choices.
{unless, of course, their actions threaten the safety and health of others (diseases, robbery, assault, etc).}

cos if clients start telling providers how to run their business, then they can start telling us how to hobby.
and i wouldnt think that many here would like that.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Why don't I send out pics?

First, in the past I would send face and body pics in both my real world and hobby land, all g-rated. Well, I learned really quick, not all "just for me" or "just to make sure" pics and videos, stay just for him. I've had bad experiences where a pic comes back to haunt me. Opening an email from someone you don't know that contains a "just for me" pic is quite unsettling, don't you think?

Secondly, I don't show my face for privacy reasons. I update pics every couple of months on my bio and in my weekly updates. I post my real age and body type and since I have a review or 2 on this site, I figure that should count for something.

Lastly, it's been my experience that it's usually time wasters who want pics.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Last 5 photos are less then a Month old
I have New Photos all the time ,, Pro & Cell Phone,
so don't put me in with tho's who have outdated Photos , I have thousands of of pics on line .
New & Older.. My reviews say it all.
my body is what it is, my face is not UGLY at all !!

Our time is also valuable. Time is in fsct money and we don’t like to waste it fraudulent representations. Again. Why not at least one updated pic in the showcase? Originally Posted by FunMonday
I have New Photos all the time... I have thousands of of pics on line .
... Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
And don't you think for a minute I haven't looked at every damn last one of them.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
he just want's to hear himself talk lol
Thanks Grace ,,
Not sure why you're arguing the point with Gina.. she posts new pics all the time. Originally Posted by Grace Preston