
DarthMaul's Avatar
CF is probably one of my favorite spots and anything happens up stairs. I’d say the majority of the girls have been more than fair while others try to scam and hustle the fuck out of you. Overall though, if I am in the mood to have a good time, that’s where I go and know who to talk to. Originally Posted by dclxvi85
stay away from the door vultures! id post a list of names, but they all run together and they are all the same. ownership/management needs to keep the trash away from the front door.

Centerfolds suck. Girls desperately trying to hustle you to go upstairs for an expensive show. I seriously doubt they do anything upstairs like they did before. Waitresses, very mean-spirited, try to hustle you for tips. Most of the guy patrons just talk to each other. There aren't too many dancers on the stage. Girls aren't the best looking. Place feels kind of ghetto to me. Originally Posted by FloridaGator2
How about the Bobbie Rock
My first strip club!
Was a HS when I went Originally Posted by 69UILTAZ
You mean Boobie Rock? North side of Westheimer Road, in the mid-Eighties? 1000 block; more or less.

I never went inside Boobie Rock, as I was a regular at Texas Cowgirls, at the time. I developed a nice acquaintance with an older waitress there. TC was a tiny place, without dark corners or a VIP room; any action happened OTC. If a night had been slow, a dancer might get a ride home in my truck, to avoid paying much of what she made to a taxi driver, and sometimes, I was freely invited inside, upon arrival. I never paid for anything OTC, probably because I tipped well, inside the club, and was well-known to the waitress, who would vouch for my being a “good guy.” Times were different, then.

The building that housed Texas Cowgirls is now a pawn shop, IIRC. I also used to go to Caligula’s, with a colleague. He had an ongoing close OTC relationship with a dancer there, and one of the managers was a former high school classmate.

Another reason i stayed away from Boobie Rock, was because another colleague would hang out there, and let’s just say that when I drink, I prefer to drink with friends, not someone who considers me a targeted rival.

From about 1992, I stopped going to GCs often, as I started a series of relationships with women with very healthy libidos. I re-entered the GC scene in the Two-Thousands, largely Michael’s/TGSOE. I started a relationship with a waitress, and we would sometimes party OTC with a couple of the dancers. Those were interesting times!

When that magical era of Michael’s/TGSOE went downhill, I was, and have been, since, unable to find another GC where I felt comfortable. I would love to re-live those times, preferably a nice, low-key hole-in-the-wall place, where I can get to know an older waitress really well, like in the old Texas Cowgirls days.
Those days were great I attended several ASPD luncheons nothing better, but those days don't exist anymore, its like LasVegas now versus the mafia days no respect morals or ethics
Slcman's Avatar
My first time ever in a strip club was during my first visit to Houston in September 1986. We ere staying at the Ramada that was on SW Freeway. We went to a place called Lipstick, which is where the Colorado Club is now.

When the dancer girl came up and sat down at my table, I had no idea of what she wanted or what I was supposed to do. She finally asked me if I wanted a table dance and I said sure, not knowing what i was going to get. $10 for each song. When she realized I wan not going to ask her to go up to their more private area, she left.
Lipstick was only about 100 yards from where Michael's is now, not where Colorado is now.
Effigy!'s Avatar
I was there 4-5 months ago on a Friday and had a great time - hot, tall, big tittied women. Went again 2 months ago and had another great Friday. Fun girls and yes they want all your money. Depends on how you want to play I guess and if you are a broke dick dog or a high roller. But the women were sexy and came in all varieties.
Alpha_Male's Avatar
I made a trip a couple weeks ago. Came across a hispanic girl that shared a number and would meet OTC, but I didn't connect with her.

I'm afraid on upstairs play because of the high prices they seek. Still a nice collection of good looking girls and low key atmosphere.