The Washington Post Starts to Feel The Heat

  • grean
  • 03-04-2019, 01:01 PM
grean you are one of the more reasonable posters on here and i respect your views. having said that why would you think this "ruined" his life? 250 million for this shit? give me a break. Cops KILL people, destroy families etc and dont get shit for the victims. this is a play by Mom and Dad wanting money. if the kid was so fucking innocent why didnt he walk away? all his buddies were jeering it on. i hope the kid gets an apology and gets on with life Originally Posted by themystic
Because even after WaPo and others retracted their stories and published corrections, he will as Yussp put it, carry that scarlet letter for the rest of his life. Even after the retractions you asked yesterday, "if the kid was so fucking innocent why didnt he walk away?"

That's why the 250M.

Phillips, the native american, LIED, and said the kids came up to him! That was not the case. Phillips approached him. The Post printed the lie and ran with it. It wasn't until after a lawsuit was filed that the WaPo retracted. Philips was the antagonist. Not the other way around.

He had no duty what so ever to walk away. In fact, you can't tell me that if a man got in your face like that you'd walk away. You certainly would not expect your sin to do so.

The young man did not do anything wrong! Yet even you & Yussup still hold him in contempt even though he was completely exonerated.

What if you were an employer or college admissions officer?

15 years from now, he may be sitting in a restaurant with his family and be recognized by someone who did not read all the retractions and still believes he is just a privileged racist bigot from Kentucky. He'll be forced to relive it over again. He'll have to explain himself to his son.

Yet he did nothing wrong.

An innocent kid was pulled through the mud by the media. They had protesters at his house.

Wearing a MAGA hat and supporting Trump does not me him guilty of anything.

The media must not be allowed to crucify citizens and then say oops.